Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week!
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Tynga's Reviews for Stacking the Shelves and Mailbox Monday showcasing the books I added to my shelves or Kindle this week, and It's Monday! What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn @ Book Date.
It is officially August and the end of summer. I don't mean weather wise as we'll still be hot here through most of October, but in that my freedom will be curtailed a little as the kids will all be back in school this week. My oldest has already started back, but the three younger kids all begin this week. I half hate and love the kids going back to school. I hate the homework, crazy schedules, and transporting kids to various places. I also hate not being able to just go have fun with the kids whenever I want, instead being restricted by school schedules and homework. From the time I leave to pick up to when the kids go to bed our house is chaos and stress between homework, dinner, sports, and other activities. So, I really don't like that. What do I like about school being back in session? The free time I have from when the kids are dropped off to when I go pick them up. There's about five hours I have to be super constructive or read and I get a whole lot more done without the kids home (and my house stays a lot cleaner). So, there you have it.
Are you starting school or do you have kids starting back to school? When does your school begin (it seems like where I live that we start earlier than almost everyone else in the US)?
And here's what to expect on the blog this week:
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Tynga's Reviews for Stacking the Shelves and Mailbox Monday showcasing the books I added to my shelves or Kindle this week, and It's Monday! What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn @ Book Date.
It is officially August and the end of summer. I don't mean weather wise as we'll still be hot here through most of October, but in that my freedom will be curtailed a little as the kids will all be back in school this week. My oldest has already started back, but the three younger kids all begin this week. I half hate and love the kids going back to school. I hate the homework, crazy schedules, and transporting kids to various places. I also hate not being able to just go have fun with the kids whenever I want, instead being restricted by school schedules and homework. From the time I leave to pick up to when the kids go to bed our house is chaos and stress between homework, dinner, sports, and other activities. So, I really don't like that. What do I like about school being back in session? The free time I have from when the kids are dropped off to when I go pick them up. There's about five hours I have to be super constructive or read and I get a whole lot more done without the kids home (and my house stays a lot cleaner). So, there you have it.
Are you starting school or do you have kids starting back to school? When does your school begin (it seems like where I live that we start earlier than almost everyone else in the US)?
And here's what to expect on the blog this week:
Here's what I grabbed from NetGalley:
My monthly giveaway is also spotlighting Romance Awareness Month with the Proper Romance line (thanks to Shadow Mountain Publishing). Check out the giveaway to win three of their books:
I've been hosting a meme this year called Can't-Wait Wednesday that is taking over for my Waiting on Wednesday posts since the host, Jill over at Breaking the Spine, went inactive in August 2016. You're welcome to join in or link up your Waiting on Wednesday posts each week. Find out more here.
The Instagram challenge, #WishfulWonder, that Rissi over at Finding Wonderland and I host is almost over for July. I posted the prompts for August here and am including it below. Feel free to participate at any time, be it a day or two or more.
The Instagram challenge, #WishfulWonder, that Rissi over at Finding Wonderland and I host is almost over for July. I posted the prompts for August here and am including it below. Feel free to participate at any time, be it a day or two or more.
Those of you who have followed my blog for a while will have seen that I host an annual read-a-thon, Tackle Your TBR. This year's is coming up and will run September 11th through 24th. You can find out more here.
In case you missed any of these over the past week...
Let me know what you think about school starting and any books you're excited about.
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