7 Reasons to Use Affiliate Links - It's Christmas Shopping Time

It's the season for gift giving. I think Amazon takes most of my money this time of
year, but I also shop at some other places. If I use Amazon, Book Depository, or
eBay (let me know if you have a Target affiliate, as I don't know anyone else who
does), I use someone's affiliate link. Why? Well, let me give you a list of reasons:

  1. I'm shopping online anyway and it's super easy to just click on someone's link to enter through.
  2. I like that a percentage of my purchase goes to someone other than big companies, so it's one way of supporting small businesses that's free.
  3. On that note, it doesn't cost me anything. I don't pay more for services or products just because I used an affiliate link.
  4. I appreciate others using my affiliate links, so I always return the favor.
  5. It encourages companies to offer affiliate programs and allow ways for us small bloggers to earn a little.
  6. It's completely anonymous. I can't see who bought what and they can't see my name when I use their link.
  7. It makes me feel good that I might be helping someone else with maintaining their blog or running their giveaways. Blogging takes work and time that we all give freely, so it's nice to give something back to other bloggers.

I'm an affiliate with Amazon, Book Depository, Target, and eBay. I always note if I'm leaving an affiliate link (like all the images above are linked to my affiliate link, so if you click on one of the images, you'll be using my link).

Do you have affiliate links? Do you use them? 

Let's discuss... Waiting on Wednesday

I have been a participant in Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine, pretty much since I began this blog back in 2013. Do you or have you participated as well?

I don't always post every week, but usually at least once or twice a month and some months have been every single week. So, I've been bummed that Jill hasn't been active since August. The linky was such a great way of finding new blogs and seeing what everyone was excited about and I almost always added a book or two to my tbr. It's a little shocking to see a blog go inactive after following them for so long.

So, what I want to know is...

What to do?

I have tried to contact Jill to see if I could take over the meme if she's not coming back or even take it over in the interim. I want a place to link up and for everyone to link up. I haven't heard from her, which then also worries me. Anyway, so I'm wondering if there's any interest in me starting a similar meme and what your guys' thoughts are on the okay-ness of doing it. I don't want to do something I shouldn't and I also don't want to do something if no one is on board with it because these things take time and effort. It's totally worth it for me if I get a handful of other bloggers who would join in and link up. So, is there interest in me doing this?

Here are my other thoughts on it...

I would have to still do it on Wednesdays. That's my day for these posts and I don't want to change that. I wouldn't use the same name, obviously, because I don't have Jill's permission, but is using "Can't Wait Wednesday" too close to the original? Does that work or do you guys have a better name suggestion? And what are you thoughts on me hosting a meme just like WOW here? If you'd rather send me an email, feel free to do so.

I love the blogging community and so I don't want to step on any toes, you know? I just don't want to see this go away.

Let me know what you think.


6 fun and sweet novellas... Blind Date Collection by Multiple Authors (Review)

Blind Date Collection (A Timeless Romance Anthology Book 18)Blind Date Collection
Six Romance Novellas
(A Timeless Romance Anthology)
by Anette Lyon, Sarah M. Eden, Heather B. Moore, Victorine E. Lieske, Rachel Branton, and Sariah Wilson
Adult Romance
ebook, 303 Pages
September 13th 2016 by Mirror Press


Amazon #1 Bestselling series in *New Release* for Clean Romance

A TIMELESS ROMANCE ANTHOLOGY: BLIND DATE COLLECTION: Featuring New York Times bestselling author Victorine E. Lieske. Readers will love this collection of six novellas—three contemporary and three historical—all with one thing in common: Romance.

Three Historical Romance Novellas:

THE PROMISE THAT KATY DID, by Annette Lyon: After the death of Sue Ellen, the closest thing she has to family, Katy knows it’s time to leave the house she’s lived in as a guest and start over in the city. She quickly secures a job, but before leaving, she must honor the unusual promise she made to Sue Ellen on her deathbed: meet with Mr. Balmer. The elderly gentleman arranges for his grandson Barrett to escort her to a town dance. That evening, shy Katy quickly feels at ease with her partner. If her new position weren’t taking her from town morning after next, perhaps something could develop between them. But Barrett may not feel the same about her, and besides, they don't have enough time to find out.

A LADY OF SENSE, by Sarah M. Eden: Eleanor Sherwood has lived her entire life under her parents’ thumb with little hope of escape. When they choose the unbearable Mr. Broadstead to be her future husband, she begs her father for another option. He arranges for her to meet Peter Havensham, who quickly proves himself a good and kindhearted gentleman, completely different from Mr. Broadstead, and utterly undeserving of a forced engagement. Eleanor cannot bring herself to prey upon Peter’s honor, but neither can she imagine a life with Mr. Broadstead. What is a lady to do when faced with such an impossible choice?

A SECOND CHANCE, by Heather B. Moore: Virginia needs a new start in order to recover from her broken marriage and vicious gossips of her neighborhood in Boston, so when her best friend Millie invites Virginia to Chicago, she goes to live with her friend’s family. But when Millie asked Virginia to participate in a double-date, Virginia knows she’s not ready to start dating again. Reluctantly she agrees, only to find out that Max might just be the man who can repair the cracks in her heart.

Three Contemporary Romance Novellas:

BRAELYNN’S BLIND DATE, by Victorine E. Lieske. When Braelynn agrees to go on a blind date, she thinks she’s hit the jackpot. Tyler is gorgeous and the perfect gentleman. Of course she should have known it was too good to be true. It turns out that Tyler really wasn’t Tyler, but a random stranger who went along with Braelynn’s mistaken assumption. So, she chalks it up to a dumb mistake until she gets to work Monday morning and discovers that her gorgeous blind date is now her new boss.

BIANCA’S HOPE, by Rachel Branton: A blind-date-gone-wrong is not the way Bianca would have chosen to celebrate the news that she might be losing her business, but saying no to the sister who took care of her after their mother’s death proves impossible. So for one date, one torturous evening, she’ll endure the company of an infuriating, heartless man she has no intention of ever seeing again. She doesn’t expect her heart to have other plans. Bianca soon learns that sometimes the unexpected is not only what you need, it’s exactly what you’ve been waiting for all along.

BLIND SPOT, by Sariah Wilson: Ria has prepared most of her life to meet her prince, trouble is, her mother keeps yanking her back to reality. So when Ria reads about a country teeming with princes, she drops everything and applies to grad school. But every blind date goes wrong, and while Ria commiserates with her roommate Tessa and Tessa’s totally un-prince-like brother Paolo, Ria discovers that all the things she thought she wanted in a man are far from what she really needs.

(Affiliate links included.)

Two characters with much to lose... Pursuing Gold by Cynthia L. Simmons (Blog Tour Interview)

Pursuing Gold: A Novel of the Civil War
Pursuing Gold
by Cynthia L. Simmons
Christian Historical Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 308 Pages
October 27th 2016 by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc.


With his father dead and his business partner incapacitated, Peter Chandler inherits the leadership of a bank in economic crisis.

With only a newly-minted college degree and little experience, Peter joins his partner’s daughter, Mary Beth Roper, in a struggle to keep C&R Bank afloat while the Civil War rages around Chattanooga. Political pressure for unsecured loans of gold to the government stirs up trouble as tempers and prices rise. Their problems multiply when Mary Beth discovers counterfeit money with Peter’s forged signature. Can they find the forger before the bank fails? The two friends must pursue gold on behalf of their business, as they learn to pursue their heavenly Father to find hope and peace.

(Affiliate links included.)

Check out the tour for Silver River Secrets by Linda Hope Lee (Blog Tour & Giveaway)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Launch for
Silver River Secrets
By Linda Hope Lee

Come along with us as we share excerpts from Lacey's and Rory's story and readers share reviews...

Tour Schedule

November 30th: Mommabears Book Blog
December 1st: Katie's Clean Book Collection
December 2nd: I Am A Reader & Heidi Reads...
December 3rd: Zerina Blossom's Books
December 4th: Rockin' Book ReviewsFalling Leaves
December 5th: Getting Your Read On
December 6th: Grand Finale

Note from the Author

I often get ideas for stories from a setting, and such was the case with Silver River Secrets. On a trip to Idaho, I visited a small town nestled between two mountain ranges and bordered by a beautiful river. An old, two-story farmhouse there caught my eye. An abandoned house, built in the ‘forties and still standing, even though in disrepair.

The house seemed to reek with sadness and tragedy. Something terrible happened there, I thought. And, finally, the characters stepped from the shadows and told me their story. Yes, it was a sad tale, but, once a hidden truth was revealed, there was healing, and happiness, too. I hope my readers will enjoy the story.

— Linda

Realistic YA... The Homecoming by Stacie Ramey (Review)

The HomecomingThe Homecoming
by Stacie Ramey
YA Contemporary
Paperback & ebook, 288 Pages
November 1st 2016 by Sourcebooks Fire


Forced to return to his estranged family, John discovers how hard it is to truly go home.

It's been a year since John lost his girlfriend, Leah, to suicide. Living with his uncle keeps his mind from the tragedy and his screwed up family-until he gets into trouble and a judge sends him back home. With a neglectful mother and abusive brother, John's homecoming is far from happy.

As he tries to navigate and repair the relationships he abandoned years ago, Emily, the girl next door, is the only bright spot. She's sweet and smart and makes him think his heart may finally be healing. But tragedy isn't far away, and John must soon face an impossible decision: save his family or save himself.

(Affiliate links included.)

Praise for the Book

"A stirring close-up of a family haunted by emotional trauma." — Kirkus Reviews

“The overall message of relying on family and friends for support is clear, and John’s pain and confusion are palpable… the male point of view distinguishes it in a field crowded with girls’ perspectives. VERDICT: A solid addition to YA collections.” — School Library Journal

“This engaging story will appeal to all readers and will help troubled teens realize that there can be help out there for what’s going on in their lives.” — School Library Connection

Check out this middle grade fantasy... This is Not a Werewolf Story by Sandra Evans (Blog Tour & Giveaway)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Launch for
This is Not a Werewolf Story
By Sandra Evans

Come along with us for some fun mixed with mystery at this
boarding school where everything isn't quite what it seems...

Tour Schedule

Author Interview

1. What is your motivation behind This is Not a Werewolf Story? Why did you want to write it?

This book is the product of long conversations with my 9 year old son, a few springs back. He had come home from school having read a picture book about a knight who becomes a werewolf over the weekend. I knew the story well—I had researched it while working on a doctorate in medieval French literature. I could see how much he liked it. Since we had been talking about writing a book together for a while, we decided to adapt the story-- Marie de France’s 12th century fairy tale Bisclavret-- into a middle grade novel.

In the end, it was a game I played with my son. He is a great listener, and an even better speaker, and he loved giving me ideas. The rules were simple—keep the essential features of the medieval tale but modernize it and locate it in the Pacific Northwest.

2. What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

I hope readers will want to visit Whidbey Island and Fort Casey. I hope they’ll think about the importance of preserving our national parks and the animals that seek refuge there. I hope some kids will feel reassured that even if your family isn’t 100% normal and maybe your parents and the people taking care of you aren’t doing a great job 100% of the time, that you’ll be okay, that you’ll find your people eventually, and that sometimes they are already around you. Also that, yes, we change. We change all the time, but part of us stays the same. So don’t be afraid to grow up. You’ll still be there when you get there.

3. Do you have a favorite scene that you can share with us?

My favorite scene is probably in the classroom with Ms. Tern. It’s a scene I had to edit heavily but could never bring myself to cut entirely. I developed the figure of Ms. Tern late in the revision process of the story, when I had begun teaching in a public high school for the first time. Prior to that I had been a Visiting Assistant Professor at a private liberal arts college. It was a tough transition, and I created her as my double—someone who was competent in many areas of life, but totally overwhelmed by a class of 25 adolescents. In addition, I wanted to link her to the heartbreaking story of Lolita and the Penn Cove Massacre, an event that took place close to the day I was born. I wanted Ms. Tern to share and deepen the connection I feel to that event and my wish that Lolita can one day go home.

4. If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say?

My favorite one sentence summary of the book was written by Mariah Manley for her review in School Library Journal : “Heartfelt, enigmatic, and ethereal, Evans’s excellent debut novel takes readers on a roller coaster of emotion and keeps them guessing the whole way through.” Those first three adjectives, when I read them, gave me such a feeling of being understood. That was exactly what I wanted a reader to feel and say about this story. It gave me goosebumps.

5. Share something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write... or favorite snack foods?

I write in a little room upstairs on a computer that has no internet connection. One wall is a window that looks out over a mile of rooftops and telephone wires down the hill to a bay where a humpback whale just took up residence for a week, and where herons and harbor seals fish. In the yard directly under that window, there’s a holly tree that is fiercely busy with sparrows and finches. So my view while I write is a microcosm of the domestic and the wild.

Check out the tour for Love for All Seasons by Stacy Henrie (Blog Tour & Giveaway)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Launch for
Love for All Seasons
By Stacy Henrie

Love is something that is perfect for every season of the year. Come along with us and
find out more about this newest novella collection set during each of the four seasons...

Tour Schedule

Note from the Author

In these four novellas - one for each season of the year - you'll meet four couples who overcome a myriad of obstacles to love with faith and determination. Each story takes place in a different time period and setting, one that I felt really showcased that particular season. It was a lot of fun writing about these varied time periods and American settings, and I hope you enjoy Love for All Seasons.

May you find an abundance of love during each season of the year.

— Stacy Henrie

Weekly Update #192, the holiday season has begun...

Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week! I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, as well as to Tynga's Reviews for Stacking the Shelves and Talk Supe for Bought, Borrowed, and Bagged showcasing the books I added to my shelves or Kindle this week.

I've had a very marvelous Thanksgiving weekend basically taking a much-needed break from being online and just relaxing and spending time with family. I love Thanksgiving! I love that it's a time to reflect on my blessings and spend time with family and eat good food. There's no pressure for gifts and schedules as there is for Christmas, although Christmas is still my favorite holiday. The weather has been wonderful too, so we've spent some time enjoying the great outdoors. 

Here's what to expect on the blog this week:

Can love survive when there is... No Peace with the Dawn by E.B. Wheeler & Jeffery Bateman (Review)

Welcome to my tour stop for No Peace with the Dawn, which was
a very heartfelt read. Check out the book and my full review below...

No Peace with the Dawn
No Peace with the Dawn
by E.B. Wheeler & Jeffery Bateman
Adult LDS Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 304 Pages
November 1st 2016 by Bonneville


In 1917, the Great War seems far from Logan, Utah. But soon it will change the lives of suffragette and mechanic Clara, Swiss-German immigrant and LDS convert Trudi, Marine Corps volunteer Reed, and Shoshone seeking U.S. citizenship Joseph. This novel weaves real events with compelling fictional characters into a sweeping tale of war, romance, self-discovery, and sacrifice.

(Affiliate links included.)

New Releases, FREE & Bargain Books for November 21st - 27th #freebook #booksale

Here are the New Releases / Free & Bargain Books, hosted by Sharon over at Beck Valley Books for this week! Check it all out below...

Authors please feel free to add your own books
Readers please free to add your own finds
(any genre except erotica welcome)

#WishfulWonder December @Bookstagram Challenge (Instagram Challenge)

Rissi at Finding Wonderland  and I are going strong and gearing up for the third month of our Instagram Challenge, #WishfulWonder. I hope you've been joining or following along, but if not, feel free to jump on board at any time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Is it cold where you are? We tend to have warmer weather here than everywhere else, perfect for playing some football outside in a t-shirt and shorts. I'm looking forward to spending time with family and having the kids and husband home for a long weekend. Hopefully this year we'll get some flag football in. Our family can play three on three and the kids are getting old enough to actually do it. Great times. :)

I normally only show off my owl in its turkey suit each year, but this year I wanted to also show you my pilgrim owls (aren't they cute!!):

And while we're talking about pilgrims... I always like to share what I'm grateful for on this holiday of thanks. There are so many things:
  1. My family. I love them so much and words really do not express how much!
  2. My faith. I wouldn't be where I am nor feel the peace, hope, and joy I do without it.
  3. Being healthy and provided for. As our family gets a little older this seems to be an even greater blessing.
  4. Extended family and friends. What a blessing those relationships are!
  5. Living in a free country. Yep, I love the USA even with all its faults.
  6. The love of reading!!! No surprise here, right? ;)
  7. Getting to blog about books. Getting to fan about them, share opinions and just generally share the love.
  8. Getting to work with so many great authors, publishers, and other readers. There are so many talented people and people who think like me and those who don't. I appreciate you all!
  9. Fabulous and easily accessible libraries and how they bless communities.
  10. The new lessons I've learned this year and some that I relearn over and over. ;)

I hope that wherever you are, it's a great day for you. If you live in the US, HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!! Watch some football, eat some great food, spend time with family and friends, and remember to be thankful! :)

I'm waiting on RoseBlood by A. G. Howard (Waiting on Wednesday)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

It seems that Breaking the Spine is no longer active, so if you have a Waiting on Wednesday post, would you please leave a link in comments so I can come check it out? Thanks!

I still need to finish Howard's Splintered series, but I love this cover and I love Phantom of the Opera, which this is a retelling of. It's my WOW pick this week:

A very fun YA... My Unscripted Life by Lauren Morrill (Review)

My Unscripted Life
My Unscripted Life
by Lauren Morrill
YA Contemporary
Hardcover & ebook, 288 pagesOctober 11th 2016 by Delacorte


Perfect for fans of Jennifer E. Smith and Huntley Fitzpatrick, you'll love this funny and sweet contemporary romance about a Southern girl ready for a ho-hum summer until she meets the boy of her dreams who happens to be an international pop star.

Sometimes love stories go off script.

Another sultry Georgia summer is about to get a lot hotter. Dee Wilkie is still licking her wounds after getting rejected by the precollege fine arts program of her dreams. But if she'd gone away, she wouldn't have been around to say yes to an unbelievable opportunity: working on the set of a movie filming in her small Southern town that just happens to be starring Milo Ritter, the famous pop star Dee (along with the rest of the world) has had a crush on since eighth grade.

It's not like Dee will be sharing any screen time with Milo—she's just a lowly PA. And Milo is so disappointingly rude that Dee is eager to stay far away from him. Except after a few chance meetings, she begins to wonder if just maybe there's a reason for his offensive attitude, and if there's more to Milo than his good looks and above-it-all Hollywood pedigree. Can a relationship with a guy like Milo ever work out for a girl like Dee? Never say never. . .

(Affiliate links included.)

If you need a devotional for December... The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Ace Collins (Blog Tour Review & Giveaway)

In perfect time for the holidays if you're looking for a devotional book
with songs and fun. Read my review and enter the giveaway below...

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: A Countdown to Christmas
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
A Countdown to Christmas
by Ace Collins
Christian Nonfiction, Christmas
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
October 4th 2016 by Abingdon Press


Celebrate 31 days of a Christ-filled Christmas season.

For Christians worldwide, the month of December is filled with joy and wonder as we anticipate the celebration of Christ’s birth. There is no other time of the year that can compare to the Christmas season for both the young and young at heart.

From December to New Year’s Eve, reawaken the wonder, joy, and magic that is Christmas with daily scripture and inspirational readings of stories behind popular Christmas traditions, carols and movies. Enjoy a wealth of fun activities to help make the most of the season, including heartwarming holiday recipes and homemade gift ideas.

With this soon-to-be-cherished holiday devotional, best-selling author Ace Collins will capture your imagination and help to make each day of December more memorable and meaningful to you, and those you love, by shining a light on the real spirit of the season.

(Affiliate links included.)

Check out the tour stops for My Father's House by Rose Chandler Johnson (Blog Tour & Giveaway)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
My Father's House
By Rose Chandler Johnson

Suspense and romance mix in this inspiring story. We hope you enjoyed the tour!
If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now...

Launch - The Inspiration for My Father's House

The setting needed to play a critical part in the story as well. So, with my roots firmly planted in Georgia, I modeled my fictional town after so many small Southern towns, and I set in some of my love of nature. Being a Southerner, I had definite ideas about elements I needed for this story to come alive. Besides fascinating characters and a distinctive setting, there had to be a little crazy, eccentric, and some downright meanness, mixed with suspense, romance, and lots of southern charm. And if the story makes you long for dirt roads and blackberry picking, shade trees and front porch visiting, then I’ve done my job.

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium - A Sketch of Lily Rose’s Father, Michael Cates

Lily Rose’s relationship with her father sets the stage for her life and the story, My Father’s House. Although the reader gets only glimpses of her “Daddy”, they are telling glimpses which reveal who he is. Michael Cates takes the dominant role in his daughter’s early life and development. In that brief first chapter, the reader learns he takes particular pride and joy in his wife and daughter.

Weekly Update #191, the weather has finally turned cool...

Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week! I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, as well as to Tynga's Reviews for Stacking the Shelves and Talk Supe for Bought, Borrowed, and Bagged showcasing the books I added to my shelves or Kindle this week.

We finally got cool here in Arizona. Well, cool for us. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the high 60s for the high. Yep. I'm spoiled. I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving and the long weekend. The blog schedule will be a little lighter as well.

Here's what to expect:

Check out the tour stops for Healing of the Heart by Loree Lough (Blog Tour & Giveaway)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Healing of the Heart
By Loree Lough

Can hearts hardened by dark secrets find redemption in the shadows of the fierce beauty of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains? If you missed any of the tour stops, go back and check them out now...

Launch - Intro & Endorsements

Lies, secrets, and fear of the past take the characters in Loree Lough’s “Secrets on Sterling Street” series on heartrending and treacherous personal journeys. Their mettle—and their faith—is put to the test as they seek freedom, redemption, and love.

Katie's Clean Book Collection - Five Ways to Love Your Enemy

THINK about him. Reject any anger that might surface. Don’t focus on the words or deeds that created the gap between you. Close your eyes and chant “I’m bigger than this. I’m better than this. Holding on to these memories is only hurting me.” InHealing of the Heart, Ruby McCoy is having a tough time with this. Her father was a murdering outlaw. The shame of his crimes—and what they forced her to do—has impacted every area of her life, so really, who can blame her!

Will he ever make it back home... The Wrong Side of Magic by Janette Rallison (Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway)

Janette Rallison is one of my favorite authors and I'm excited about her newest release,
this time in the Middle Grade genre. Check out the excerpt and enter the giveaway below...

The Wrong Side of Magic
The Wrong Side of Magic
by Janette Rallison
Middle Grade Fantasy
Hardcover & ebook, 336 Pages
August 23rd 2016 by Feiwel & Friends


Hudson Brown stopped believing in magic long ago. That is, until the day he is whisked away to the magical land of Logos by a curious compass given to him by his off-beat neighbor, Charlotte.

Hudson discovers that Logos is a land ruled by words, thoughts, and memories. A fairy might ferry you across the river for the price of one memory. But be sure to look out for snarky unicorns, as they will see through those who are not pure of heart.

Not understanding the many rules of Logos, Hudson is quickly saddled with a troll curse. Charlotte, who, along with her father, was banished from Logos, can help get rid of the curse--but only if he agrees to find the lost Princess of Logos in return.

(Affiliate links included.)

What does it take... To Win a Lady's Heart by Sian Ann Bessey (Blog Tour Review)

I loved this author's last release from last year and was excited to read her
newest. Find out what I though in my review and enter the giveaway below...

To Win a Lady's HeartTo Win a Lady's Heart
by Sian Ann Bessey
Adult Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 248 Pages
November 1st 2016 by Covenant Communications


For eighteen years, Lord Gilbert has been tortured over a grievous lapse in judgment. Bitterness has tainted his interactions with the people of Moreland and his relationship with his only daughter, Lady Joanna. With a wolfhound guarding her around the clock and no freedom to leave the castle grounds unattended, the only time Lady Joanna can be alone is when she sneaks out through an old castle tunnel to visit the healer Agnes in her cottage by the sea. One morning as Lady Joanna approaches the cliffs, she discovers an injured man. She immediately goes to Agnes for help. The wounded stranger is Sir Lukas, and while he recovers, he makes plans to identify his attackers and their motive. Upon learning that Moreland's wool has been stolen, Sir Lukas comes to believe that the crimes are related and point to a much more sinister plot. When Lord Gilbert announces an archery tournament, the prize being Lady Joanna's hand in marriage, it attracts noblemen from across the land, and suddenly Sir Lukas's pursuit of the villains takes a different turn. As Lady Joanna and Sir Lukas's feelings for each other grow, the stakes soar, and only Sir Lukas's skill with a longbow can save them.

(Affiliate links included.)

A Merry Christmas Military Book Giveaway

I'm spreading the word about
A Merry Christmas Military Book Giveaway!

Author Donna Hatch, along with a bunch of other authors, are honoring those serving in the US Military overseas who won't be home for the holidays, by giving away books! It's a small "Thank you!" for their service.

Find out more, see what books are available, and enter the giveaway HERE.

Trust doesn't always come easy... Healing of the Heart by Loree Lough (Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

I love the sound of this story! It sounds unique and like there will be some
good romantic tension. Read an excerpt and enter the giveaway below...

Healing Of The Heart (Secrets of Sterling Street)Healing  of the Heart
(Secrets of Sterling Stree #3)
by Loree Lough
Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 272 pages
November 1st 2016 by Whitaker House


Ruby McCoy is haunted by her father's sins....

When Ruby McCoy arrives in Fairplay, her ornate carriage is followed by an entourage who heft steamer trunks, hatboxes, and traveling bags into the hotel…where she has booked the entire second floor. Upon her notorious gangster father's death, the now-wealthy Ruby, hiding under her mother's maiden name, set out to right her father's wrongs. Ruby is determined to spend every penny of her inherited "blood money" on those who paid the price for her father's crimes.

Sheriff Rex Truett doesn't trust Ruby and doesn't care who knows it. The keeper of Fairplay's law and order makes it his business to find out why a stranger, especially a beautiful, spoiled, rich, female stranger, would set up businesses, donate to schools, hire workmen to rebuild houses, and provide access to the best medical care. But when a typhoid epidemic sweeps through the city, he is forced to reconsider.

Will Rex blame Ruby for her father's sins? Or will he accept the possibility that she is trying to create and feel the peace her father stole?

(Affiliate links included.)

Praise for the Book

Healing of the Heart, book three of Secrets on Sterling Street, makes for a brilliant conclusion to the series. Lough’s descriptive narrative and delightful, often comical, dialogue pull us into the story. Sparks fly between Rex, the hard-shelled sheriff, and Ruby, the gutsy, gorgeous heroine. This fast-paced, absorbing read will have you flipping those pages into the wee morning hours. Don’t miss it!”
Sharlene MacLaren
Author, Tennessee Dreams series and Summer on Sunset Ridge

“Loree Lough has once again brought the emotional intensity and passion of the West to life in her riveting historical romance, Healing of the Heart. With themes of forgiveness, righting wrongs done by others, and love that can wipe away the sins the past, this book explores all of that in the midst of the fierce and deadly beauty of Colorado in in the late 1800s. A story to treasure more than once.”
Susan M. Baganz
Author, Pesto & PotholesSalsa & SpeedbumpsFeta & Freeways, and Fragile Blessings

“Loree Lough does it again with Healing of the Heart. Another moving and uplifting story with characters so real they feel like family, a plot that keeps you turning pages, and a setting so quaint it makes you want to move to Fairplay, Colorado.”
Joya Fields
Award-winning author, Beneath the Surface

“This just might be my favorite story by Loree Lough. Her characters, driven by noble motives, endure hardships that can’t crush their budding emotions. Healing of the Heart is romance, faith, and mystery in one page-turning story.”
Robin Bayne
Author, The Gardner’s Gazebo series

A perfect romance... To Suit a Suitor by Paula Kremser (Blog Tour Review & Giveaway)

I read this author's first book last year (you can see my review here) and really
enjoyed it, so I had some expectations going into this one. It did not disappoint...

To Suit a Suitor
To Suit a Suitor
(Pure Romance)
by Paula Kremser
Adult Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 Pages
November 1st 2016 by Sweetwater Books


Much to her mother’s annoyance, Julia North can’t catch a husband. Nearing the end of her third London season, Julia is jilted. Again! Constantly wondering what it is about her that drives the gentlemen away, Julia leaves London to visit a distant cousin for a couple of months. She is hoping to forget about husband hunting for a time, but she inadvertently finds herself in competition for Henry Chamberlain, the most desirable gentleman in Somersetshire. Marriage wouldn’t seem so detestable if she could marry him. But every young lady has the same dream of capturing his attention, so Julia knows she doesn’t have a chance. What she doesn’t know is that her desire to avoid Henry’s attention is the very thing that has caught it, but it’ll take some effort on Henry’s part to convince Julia of that.

(Affiliate links included.)

Life doesn't always turn out the way we think it will... My Father's House by Rose Chandler Johnson (Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway)

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

A heartfelt story about a woman trying to find herself after losing her father and then finding the man she's married to isn't who she thought he was. Check out the excerpt and giveaway below...

My Father's House: a novel
My Father's House
by Rose Chandler Johnson
Inspirational Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 314 pages
March 13th 2016


“At once a sweet romance and a page-turning thriller." (Christy Award–winning author Ann Tatlock).

Growing up, life is idyllic for Lily Rose Cates due to one constant – her father’s love. But in her sixteenth summer, all that changes without warning. There begins Lily’s struggle to find herself and the life she’s lost. . . . Marriage promises fulfillment, but her happily-ever-after barely survives the honeymoon. Her husband’s sophisticated façade hides a brooding man with even darker secrets. When all illusions shatter, Lily must make hard choices – abandon her husband or risk losing much more than her marriage. She flees their home in Detroit and sets out on a fearful journey to a house in Georgia that her husband knows nothing about. This is one woman’s compelling tale of love and survival as she finds her way back home to who she’s meant to be . . . in her father’s house.

(Affiliate links included.)

Only 99¢... The Crush Saga Box Set by Chrissy Peebles (Book Blitz & Giveaway)

The Crush Saga
by Chrissy Peebles
Adult Paranormal Romance
October 14th 2016 by Dark Shadows Publishing


I was born to die… But to defy fate is to control your own destiny.

Moving to Big Bear Lake was supposed to be a fresh start, but when Taylor Sparks is thrown into a supernatural world, her reality comes crashing down around her when she finds out she’s a KEY player in a dangerous game created 1,000 years ago that will give the witches and werewolves the upper hand against the vampires. Blood will be spilled and secrets will be revealed in this action-packed thrill ride and paranormal romance.

Will Taylor dive into a paranormal world she knows nothing about to be with the one her heart can’t live without?

Or will her life spiral out of control when she learns her blood is needed, just the serum necessary to lift an ancient curse from a group of supernatural beings and give the witches back their magic?

Werewolves will serve as her guardians and protect her until the first full moon of the new year, the night of her sacrifice…

Will she accept her destiny?

Or will she refuse to let evil swallow her up?

Books included in this box set:
Crush - Book 1
Crash - Book 2
Chosen - Book 3
Chaos - Book 4
Deep Web - Book 5

Only 99¢ through 11/19/16!
(Affiliate link included.)

Praise for the Collection

This was a fantastic box set with magic, action, mystery, twists and turns, vampires, werewolves, witches, and gargoyles. Each book gets better and better and takes you deeper into the mystery!

Book 1 is about Taylor moving to Big Bear Lake and learning it’s a supernatural place and that her crush is something more. Book 2 gets deep! And this is when all hell breaks loose! Taylor is tossed into the supernatural world. She thought she was observing it from the outside, but little does she know that she’s a major player! And she didn’t even know it!

She comes from an ancient line of witches and is supposed to be sacrificed in The Millennium Ceremony. She’s stubborn and fights her supernatural enemy with everything she has. I loved how tough she becomes. There’s a paranormal battle raging and I loved every page. This is one of my favorite paranormal romances ever!