UPDATE: These are all the books I read for this challenge (I will link up reviews to each cover as I post them):

So, I met my goal of eight, plus got one more in there. I've been really busy with blog tours and other things, otherwise I would have gotten more read. I still feel like this was a good number of books. This doesn't include all the physical books I read this past month as well that weren't included in this challenge.
If you participated, how did you do?
Original Email and Goals
I'm joining another read-a-thon. I'm trying to do all I can to encourage myself to get my review books read and quickly. :) The Clean out your E-reader Challenge is a little bit different because it is only for free or mostly free ebooks and also focuses on posting reviews. You have to of signed up by November 1st to participate. We'll see how far I get on reviewing, but I'm hoping to get a lot of ebooks read.
I would like to visit all the participating blogs, but I'm not going to actually set a goal for that since I've been pretty busy these days. I will tell you some of the books I would like to read. I really can't believe I still have so many that I am really excited to read, but just haven't gotten to. They are:

These are really just a small portion. My goal is to at least get eight of my ebooks read in the coming month. If I get more, well then that will be fabulous! :)
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