I hope you all are having a fabulous Thanksgiving! I have so much to be grateful for. My family (wonderful husband and four kids), healthy life, great extended family, a husband who is enjoying his career and has a good job, a great church family, and so much more.
I thought today would be a good day to list some things I'm grateful for, book-style, as well. I know a lot of you participated in Top Ten Tuesday and already did this, but I decided to wait and do mine today.
I'm grateful for:
- My blog, which allows me to share something I love with lots of people.
- The blogging community - I've met some fabulous new friends!
- All the wonderful ARCs. I love them all and I will read every single one. :)
- Good publishers that are great to work with on tours.
- Other tour hosts that I have loved touring with.
- Laura from Colorimetry/Prism Book Tours. She is just awesome and I am really loving working with her!
- Julianne Donaldson - who didn't give up last year after being rejected by every agent she tried until her book was finally accepted by her publisher!!! Now she has published two and they both are all-time favorites of mine!
- Getting to be super creative and challenge myself with coding, graphics, and writing. I have learned so much!
- All the authors that I have gotten to chat with through email and at book signings.
- The books that I would never have read had I not seen someone recommend it or received it as an ARC.
- Debut authors. Really. There have been some great ones. I'm looking forward to next month when I'll look back at the ones I've read and get to tell you my favorites for this year.
What are you grateful for, bookish or otherwise?
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