An unusual tale... The Time Key by Melanie Bateman (Blog Tour Review & Giveaway)


Welcome to my tour stop for this debut novel from Melanie Bateman.
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The Time Key
The Time Key
by Melanie Bateman
Adult Urban Fantasy, Time Travel
Paperback & ebook, 320 Pages
June 14th 2016 by Sweetwater Books


As Stanely got closer, he saw two figures beating on a lone man, while four others stood back to watch. "Hey!" Stanley's voice sounded hoarse in his ears. "Leave him be!"

Shadows that move on their own, a mysterious device that looks like a pocket watch, a man on the run from monsters that exist in dreams—all are connected to Stanley because he interrupted a mugging. Now Stanley holds the Time Key, an object that allows him to travel through time. With the extraordinary gift of being able to see both the past and the future, he may be the only one who can save his family.

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My Review

THE TIME KEY was a book that was unique, unusual, with an interesting overall tone. It was shrouded in mystery and a feel of danger lurking in shadows from the first page. The reader has to trust in the narrator as the story unfolds without knowing what's really going on. It read like a classically written tale in some ways, but was also easy to read. Overall, an interesting story with a bittersweet ending.

After finishing this story, I had to let my thoughts settle. It is, as I said above, a very unusual tale. Half fantasy, half historical with plenty of mystery and danger. There were also friendships, but not really any romance. In the end, there is a hint of the possibility of more to come, but was still satisfying. To be honest, the ending was actually really good and fit the story perfectly.

In the end, was it what I wished for? I'm still not completely sure how to take it all. I liked it and it definitely was engaging and some of the characters I really liked. I think I was maybe missing more depth or maybe more of a clear purpose or right vs. wrong in the plot so that I could really get into it or behind the characters instead of just kind of being thrown in the middle of it all.

Content: Some violence, but overall clean.

Source: Received a complimentary copy from the publisher, which did not affect my review in any way.

About the Author

Melanie Bateman was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and moved to the United States at age nine. She has an associate’s degree in fine art from Utah Valley University, emphasizing in illustration. From a very young age she’s had a passion for drawing, specifically nature and the human figure. It is from this creative look on the world that she began to write stories.


ebook of The Time Key
Open internationally
Provided by the publisher
Ends July 10th

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