Welcome! I'm sharing an interview with the author today. Read on below...
Operation Elite
(Operation Elite #1)
By C. R. Warnick
Young Adult Dystopian Thriller, Sci-Fi
Paperback & eBook, 300 Pages
March 1, 2024
In near-future USA, a civil war between corrupt political extremes has split the nation in two. Growing up in a dystopian East ruled by a merciless powermonger, Angelina Dawn is taught to hate the anarchist radicals of the West and to prioritize order, loyalty, and obedience above all else. However, as she begins to uncover secret third-party networks and is taught the values of balance, freedom, and integrity, she begins to develop convictions and ambitions opposed to either extreme. As she enters adulthood, she is thrust into the dangers of war and must maintain the trust of both East and West while covertly striving to fight for balance and hope. However, her ambitions seem unachievable until she learns of a young, ruthless radical with powerful talents and weak convictions. Angelina must get to him and convince him to join her before she is found out as a traitor and before the nation destroys itself.
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Author Interview
Welcome to my blog today to tell us more about OPERATION ELITE!
How would you describe the main characters of OPERATION ELITE?
There are two main characters in the Operation Elite series. The first is Angelina Dawn who I would best describe as an idealistic and ambitious protagonist who struggles to accept her own limitations. The second is Ryan Jameson, a mysterious and darkly talented soldier, plagued by doubt, with drive but no direction.
What inspired the idea of a futuristic United States?
My futuristic US was first inspired by a dream I had in middle school. The dream was so vivid and captivating that I knew I had to turn it into a story to share.
What is your favorite part of the story?
My favorite part of Operation Elite is the ending. It's what the whole book is leading to, and it sets the stage for more drama and intensity in book two. And what can I say, I love cliffhangers.
What is your favorite part of writing in this genre?
My favorite part of writing dystopian thrillers is slowly building suspense and leading my readers to big climaxes and reveals. It's a skill I'm still learning, and my biggest hope is that I will someday be able to accomplish this as well as my favorite sci-fi author, Isaac Asimov.
What are you working on next?
I'm excited to share that book two of the Operation Elite series, called Operation Dohrnii, is in the works and set to hit the shelves next spring (hopefully beginning of March).
What is your favorite thing about this time of the year?
My favorite thing about this time of year is the excitement in the air. I find October to be one of my favorite months in which to write because the chill in the air seems to be carrying stories yet to be told and explored.
About the Author
Find the author here.
What's the last dystopian you've read? What appeals to you about this story or connected with you in the interview?
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