Book Tour: The Underground Witch

The Underground Witch
(Incenaga #2)
By Debbie Dee
Published May 2nd 2013 by Dolce Books
Source: Tour Host


As the last of the Incenaga Witches, Emmeline has been tortured and forced to use her power to kill. But unlike the Incenagas before her, she has survived. With her freedom restored, she should feel safe, invincible even. After all, she has the protection of Prince Erick’s army and a power strong enough to obliterate any enemy. Yet Emmeline lives in fear for the next person who will try to control her, and no one can seem to find the tyrant threatening to claim her. 

Until it’s too late. 

With everything on the line, and the enemy at her throat, will Emmeline be able to use her power like never before? Even if it kills her? 

In The Underground Witch, the second novel of the Incenaga Trilogy, Debbie Dee delivers enough adventure, heartbreak, and suspense to captivate readers at every turn.

My Review

This started a little slow for me. Lots of drama in the beginning and romancing between the two love interests. Then about a third of the way through the story picks up when Emmeline meets Tiergan, king from another land. Emmeline is again forced to find strength within herself to survive while Erick must decide what is true and what he will do.
I enjoyed the new characters that were introduced in this second book. I really liked O’fin, a young boy who befriends Emmeline. Demyan was also an intriguing character. He is basically an assassin, but knows quite a bit about Incenagas (witches). I really wasn’t sure what his end game would be and why he was working with Tiergan and Orinda. I’m sure we’ll see more of Orinda in the next book. I would tell you who she is, but that is a bit of a spoiler, so I'll have to leave it at that.

I didn't want Tiergan to have it quite so easy or Erick to be somewhere else, but I was cheering for Emmeline. She didn’t always listen to me and do what I wanted her to do (characters tend to do that to me in books sometimes). ;) It gets a little intense towards the end. Overall, an exciting read.

Content was clean.

About the Author
Debbie Dee recently moved to southern Idaho with her husband and three children where she is learning how to be a country girl in her favorite pair of blue heels. She adores fairy tales and happy endings, but secretly crushes on the bad guy now and then. 
As a dedicated musician who practices way too much, she never expected writing would sweep her off her feet until she jotted down a scene from a daydream, which turned into two scenes, which turned into a messy house and her first novel. Since then she hasn’t been able to let a day go by without writing. 

In addition to writing, she plays the piano, harp, violin, and gets in frequent fights with her cello. She loves to read and play board games - when she is winning. 

Connect with Debbie here:


Five winners will win one ebook of The Last Witch.

The Last Witch
(Incenaga #1)
By Debbie Dee
September 12th 2012 by Dolce Books
Source: Tour Host


For generations the Incenaga Witches have been forced to use their power to fulfill the wishes of others until they are drained of their magic and left to die. Desperate to protect his infant daughter - the last surviving witch - Emmeline’s father escapes with her to the forests where he vows to keep her hidden from the world and from the truth.

Sixteen years later, Emmeline is discovered and finds herself in the grip of a traitor who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means abusing her power until she dies. She is taken to a distant country and told she must marry the Crown Prince or her own country will be overtaken, its people slaughtered. But what sort of prince would marry a witch? And why would she be the difference between war and peace?

As she fights to regain her freedom, she is faced with a choice between a prince who offers a lifetime of security and a common gamekeeper who has no idea of her power, but offers his heart.

But who do you trust when your power can be used against you?

My Review

The beginning of this story pulled me right in. Emmeline has lived her whole life not knowing that she is a witch and one that many have been searching for. She has to figure things out pretty quickly and without a friend or anyone to help or guide her.

I liked Emmeline and her smart-aleck comments and strong spirit. I also liked Erick who was unassuming, a skilled fighter, and kind. I liked how their relationship developed over time, allowing them to be friends first. It was also sweet. Some characters I pretty much knew right away what role they would play, but others I didn’t know if Emmeline could trust or not. I also wasn't completely sure if the villains would turn out to be evil to the end or if they, one in particular, would seek recourse.

There were a few parts that didn’t quite work for me, but overall it was an enjoyable read.

Content was clean. 

Disclosure: This review is of a book I was given for free by an author, tour host, or publisher, or through NetGalley or Edelweiss. This in no way influences the opinions shared in my review. You may see my complete policy on the sidebar and on my policies page.

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