Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week!
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
You may have noticed that I was not active here last week. That wasn't the original plan. I had planned on posting several reviews, but hadn't written them up yet. I was planning on not being online too much to enjoy Christmas with the family, but still having regular posts. What happened instead was me being crazy sick with the flu after my husband had it and then my youngest waking up Christmas Eve at 1:30 am hardly able to breath due to croup and my husband rushing her in to urgent care. I finally got some rest for about three hours after they got back home and before all the kids were up at 7 to see what Santa brought. It was a rather memorable Christmas. Regardless, I still soaked up my kids happiness and thanked God for modern medicine that allowed my daughter a oral steroid and oxygenated breathing treatment that almost completely took away her croup. The day after Christmas found me with a fever and a horrid body ache and stuffy nose again, but I've been steadily getting better each day. My youngest is still coughing, as are both my husband and I, but we are all recovering well. It's been ages since I've been sick and even longer since I've had the flu, so I suppose I was due. But enough of that...
We did finish watching all four seasons of Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. We Vid Angeled it so that we get to skip all the swearing (not so much in the first two seasons, but quite a bit in the third and fourth where whole sentences and sometimes multiple sentences were bleeped out). I quite loved how well the actors played their roles and how creative this modern twist is. Quite brilliant in several ways. Have you watched it? Any other series that you've caught up on lately?
This week is still not real organized. I've been reading quite a bit as my head would allow and I have a bunch of reviews to post, so I'll get those up as I can. Besides those, there are only a few books on the schedule. Here's what you might see this week...
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
You may have noticed that I was not active here last week. That wasn't the original plan. I had planned on posting several reviews, but hadn't written them up yet. I was planning on not being online too much to enjoy Christmas with the family, but still having regular posts. What happened instead was me being crazy sick with the flu after my husband had it and then my youngest waking up Christmas Eve at 1:30 am hardly able to breath due to croup and my husband rushing her in to urgent care. I finally got some rest for about three hours after they got back home and before all the kids were up at 7 to see what Santa brought. It was a rather memorable Christmas. Regardless, I still soaked up my kids happiness and thanked God for modern medicine that allowed my daughter a oral steroid and oxygenated breathing treatment that almost completely took away her croup. The day after Christmas found me with a fever and a horrid body ache and stuffy nose again, but I've been steadily getting better each day. My youngest is still coughing, as are both my husband and I, but we are all recovering well. It's been ages since I've been sick and even longer since I've had the flu, so I suppose I was due. But enough of that...
We did finish watching all four seasons of Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. We Vid Angeled it so that we get to skip all the swearing (not so much in the first two seasons, but quite a bit in the third and fourth where whole sentences and sometimes multiple sentences were bleeped out). I quite loved how well the actors played their roles and how creative this modern twist is. Quite brilliant in several ways. Have you watched it? Any other series that you've caught up on lately?
This week is still not real organized. I've been reading quite a bit as my head would allow and I have a bunch of reviews to post, so I'll get those up as I can. Besides those, there are only a few books on the schedule. Here's what you might see this week...
This Week
There is no monthly giveaway again this month because I'm participating in some giveaway hops. The first one will post this week, so check back for that by Wednesday.
Other Things of Note
I've been hosting a meme this year called Can't-Wait Wednesday that is taking over for my Waiting on Wednesday posts since the host, Jill over at Breaking the Spine, went inactive in August 2016. Can you believe I've now been hosting for almost a year?!! You're welcome to join in or link up your Waiting on Wednesday posts each week. Find out more here.
Other Posts
In case you missed any of these over the past two weeks...
Let me know how your Christmas was.
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