This Read-a-thon is hosted by Dana from Danasquare and Jenny from Juliababyjen's Reading Room.
I'm a little late updating this, but it's been a busy weekend and day. This is my final update for this read-a-thon. These are the books I was able to finish (click on cover for reviews, if they've been posted):
That was nine books over the two weeks, which is fairly good considering how busy I've been. Although, two of these are DNF for me, so it's more like eight books.
How did you do, if you participated?
I've actually met my goal for the number of books I wanted to read this year (200), but I have quite a few eARCs, review books, and books from the library that I need to read and I thought joining this Read-a-thon might help encourage me to give one last big push for this year. I'm currently at 222 books. I was thinking it would be awesome to get to 250. Here are the books I ideally would like to get read:

Of course I'm not going to limit myself to these in case I end up reading something different. :) It is really impossible that I will read them all, but it would be amazing! I'll read as many as I can.
I won't be posting daily updates. I have other blog and tour posts that I need to focus on and I would also like to use that time for actual reading. So, I will link each cover to my review once I've read a book and will write a wrap-up post, of course.
Here we go....

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