I'm participating in Top Ten Tuesday today, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
Here's today's topic: Outrageous/Crazy/Uncharacteristic Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books
The List
1. Stayed up way past my bedtime. This happens on a fairly regular basis, although lately I've made a push to manage my bookish life better so it doesn't cause missed sleep and missed gym visits, etc. The reason I stay up is from trying to finish a book, to finish a post, write up a review, or work on Prism Book Tours stuff that must be done.
2. Pulled an all-nighter. Yep. I've done it. Multiple times. Sometimes it was because I needed to finish a book for a tour the next day and it had to be done because I avoid being late or moving dates at all costs. Other times it was because I could not put a book down, and even though I was reading super fast, it was a long book and I never got to bed.
3. Skipped eating. Sometimes I'm so into blogging or doing book tour stuff or reading that I forget to eat.
4. And while we're on that topic... Overate. If I need to stay awake or I'm reading later at night, I love snacking on things or eating chips and salsa (weird, I know). I have to watch it though because this combined with little sleep really hits me now that I'm older in the weight department. 😟
5. Drove a long way to see an author. Some of the authors who come here end up being 45 to 2 1/2 hours away (yes, I did coordinate visiting family 2 1/2 hours away so I had an excuse to see two of my favorite authors). Most people wouldn't travel so far to see an author.
6. Spent a ton of time going early to an author event to get a good seat. We're talking driving through rush hour traffic and arriving an hour before an event. Us booknerds totally get that. The rest wouldn't.
7. Spent more money on a book than I normally would at an author event or for a signed copy. I have an awesome bookstore just down the road from me and even though I could get a book for half the price on Amazon, I will buy a copy there to attend an event or to get a signed copy from my favorite authors. I've also spent extra money for cool swag.
8. Subscribe to book boxes and geek out over cool bookish accessories. I've even paid some crazy shipping fees for some items I really wanted - although I haven't done it too often. My current book subscription box is more than my monthly gym membership. Would I give it up. No, but I would give up the gym membership. Lol!
9. Wrote my own version of a novel from a different POV. Yes, I did that for a POV that wasn't in the book, and I really wanted to know his side. It was a long time ago and it totally cracked me up imagining what this other character would be thinking and doing on and off scene. My husband still teases me about it because it was a little overkill.
10. Own too many bookshelves. Really. I can't own too many. My husband will kill me though if I add another. He jokes around that our living room is really the library (I thought, not a bad idea). I recently hosted my book club and went through the books that I won't read again, didn't love, or have duplicates of and had them take as many as they wanted home. My husband cheered. My rows have rows in front of them... I need to go through them again because I am running out of room. I have a Kindle (or two) with a million books as well, but there's just something about a physical book (if I love it, I want a physical copy that I can feel and share and lend out), plus they make much better book photos.
How about you? Do you have any of my crazy tendencies? Any different ones? Bookish minds want to know. 😉
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