Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week!
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and to Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.
Last week was crazy. Really. It might have been close to the busiest I've ever been. I started of the week with three things at the same time for our kids on Monday. There are only two of us adults. We had to drop one child off and then drop off another and then go back and get the first while the other parent was at a soccer game for the third kid and while also taking the youngest with... Then Tuesday was my oldest daughter's first choir concert (after picking up another kid from swim practice) and it just went on from there, including parent/teacher conferences for my two youngest squeezed in. We had multiple things each night and had my parents come into town Wednesday and stay with us through Saturday on top of it. We even hosted a dinner with the rest of my siblings Friday night while they were here (it was easier than us being really late to someone else's house). I read one book, but has to stay up super late to finish to get my review up and only got 3.5 hours of sleep. But I did not miss or post late! I also wrapped up my annual read-a-thon, and drew and awarded winners.
It makes me tired just thinking about listing everything that I had going on and I'm not even going to give a detailed list. I was quite proud of not missing anything. We made all the events and I was mostly on top of things (although I was super late sending tour materials out and am behind over at Prism). Then I totally failed Saturday night... My son completely missed his swim team pictures and the bus. I was an hour and a half off of when he was supposed to be there. An hour and a half! We still got him to the meet before it started, but obviously late. Then I realized I'd signed up to bring some snacks and spaced that too. 0.0 Oops. So yes, I survived.
And through all that, there were wonderful moments. Hugs exchanged with my kids. Cheers as they competed. Finding sweet teaching moments. Sharing experiences with them and my parents. Seeing my sisters and their kids after not seeing them for a couple of months. A clean house, which makes me happy (because my house must be clean if we have family staying with us). Having my mom help me in the kitchen and even my dad at one point. It's these moments that make it worth it.
And this week will be crazy too, but not quite so crazy. I'm looking forward to catching up on some things and getting more than one book read. There are quite a few YA books coming up and a few adult reads as well.
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and to Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.
Last week was crazy. Really. It might have been close to the busiest I've ever been. I started of the week with three things at the same time for our kids on Monday. There are only two of us adults. We had to drop one child off and then drop off another and then go back and get the first while the other parent was at a soccer game for the third kid and while also taking the youngest with... Then Tuesday was my oldest daughter's first choir concert (after picking up another kid from swim practice) and it just went on from there, including parent/teacher conferences for my two youngest squeezed in. We had multiple things each night and had my parents come into town Wednesday and stay with us through Saturday on top of it. We even hosted a dinner with the rest of my siblings Friday night while they were here (it was easier than us being really late to someone else's house). I read one book, but has to stay up super late to finish to get my review up and only got 3.5 hours of sleep. But I did not miss or post late! I also wrapped up my annual read-a-thon, and drew and awarded winners.
It makes me tired just thinking about listing everything that I had going on and I'm not even going to give a detailed list. I was quite proud of not missing anything. We made all the events and I was mostly on top of things (although I was super late sending tour materials out and am behind over at Prism). Then I totally failed Saturday night... My son completely missed his swim team pictures and the bus. I was an hour and a half off of when he was supposed to be there. An hour and a half! We still got him to the meet before it started, but obviously late. Then I realized I'd signed up to bring some snacks and spaced that too. 0.0 Oops. So yes, I survived.
And through all that, there were wonderful moments. Hugs exchanged with my kids. Cheers as they competed. Finding sweet teaching moments. Sharing experiences with them and my parents. Seeing my sisters and their kids after not seeing them for a couple of months. A clean house, which makes me happy (because my house must be clean if we have family staying with us). Having my mom help me in the kitchen and even my dad at one point. It's these moments that make it worth it.
And this week will be crazy too, but not quite so crazy. I'm looking forward to catching up on some things and getting more than one book read. There are quite a few YA books coming up and a few adult reads as well.
This Week
Here are the giveaways running right now - both end this month with a new monthly giveaway going up Monday:
Other Things of Note
Last Week
In case you missed any of these over the past week...
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