I've been a fan of this author for some time and have been looking
forward to this new series from her. Read my thoughts on it below...
forward to this new series from her. Read my thoughts on it below...
(A Bad Medicine Novella)
By Melissa Wright
Adult Paranormal Romance
Paperback & ebook, 121 Pages
July 21st 2019 by Melissa Wright
Diana Coulton doesn’t have time for love. She’s got Bad Medicine—the family herb & book shop—to take care of, not to mention her chaotic sisters and censorious cat. No matter what Diana might want, romance is on the back burner for this Coulton sister.
Until the night well-meaning Bernadette decides to fix all that. Bernie knows better. Magic used to spur romance has a tendency to go haywire, all witches know that. She’s going to have to stop it.
If she can only remember how.
Before long, the local fire marshal shows up on Diana’s front step. But he’s not there to inspect the shop. He’s been caught in Bernie’s spell, and worse, he doesn’t even believe magic exists. Miles tries to get away from Bad Medicine, but he’s bewitched, and providence is not on his side.
Forces of nature conspire to throw Miles and Diana together, and time is running out to cure the enchantment. If they can’t figure out how to undo the magic hexing them, Diana could lose everything. But if they do, she might lose Miles.
My Review
BLOOD & BRUTE & GINGER ROOT is a fun story about three sisters and the one that ends up cursed with her sister's good intentions. The curse brings about an interesting set of events and a happily-ever-after. An overall entertaining paranormal romance.
I just loved these three sisters! They are each unique, but have quite a strong relationship with each other. I loved that they all had different strengths and weaknesses that seemed to compliment each other. Diana is definitely the more responsible of the sisters, which means that she doesn't know how to have fun and relax and date. She's also the glue that holds the family together. I loved when Miles comes on the scene and the hilarity that ensues. It seriously cracked me up how these girls, particularly Diana, tried to keep things in play and keep Miles somewhat oblivious. Miles is just a great guy. He's steady too and him and Diana fit together quite well. There is also a somewhat villain that was easy to hate and I can see her continuing to cause issues for these sisters in the future. Then there is the magical aspects of this story that were equally fun, hilarious, gross, and even a little scary in places. The ending was quite sweet. I'm really looking forward to seeing what escapades these gals get into in the future.
Just a few things that I thought could have been better... the story felt a little disjointed in places. I think it would have worked itself out if it was longer to allow a little more development. I also would have liked it longer because I wanted to get to know these characters more. Of course, I always want this author's books to be longer since I tend to want more. 😉 I also would have liked it cleaner, but I knew there was going to be a scene going in.
In the end, was it what I wished for? I really enjoyed reading this. It's short and sweet with entertaining magical twists, and a happily-ever-after. Recommended to fans of the genre who don't mind the content and are looking for an enjoyable, quick read.
Content: One detailed love scene and some drinking.
Source: I received a complimentary copy from the author through Prism Book Tours, which did not require a positive review nor affect it in any way.
About the Author
Melissa is the author of the Frey Saga, Descendants Series, and KING OF ASH AND BONE. She is currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be spotted collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest. Contact her through the web at www.melissa-wright.com or follow her blog at authormelissawright.blogspot.com.
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