Welcome! This historical romance is set in England during the suffrage movement and when
women were fighting for their own voices to be heard. Enter to win a copy of the book below...
women were fighting for their own voices to be heard. Enter to win a copy of the book below...
By Jen Geigle Johnson
Adult Historical Romance
Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 350 Pages
August 1st 2019 by Covenant Communications
SumMolly O’Malley, lady’s maid to the progressive Lady Amanda Halloway, is determined to continue the life’s work of her lost love, killed in the Peterloo Massacre. But when her efforts and a trip to Lady Halloway’s charitable orphanage culminate in her own abduction, Molly’s eyes are opened to the horrifying crimes transpiring in the city’s slums. Despite the risks, she broadens her mission and is drawn ever closer to the peril all around them.
Thomas Flaherty, a footman in the Halloway household, has been with Molly from the beginning, but he fears she will never trust him with her heart. Even though her cause and happiness are of foremost importance to him, his loyal patience is tested by the fears that keep her at a distance. But with their safety on the line, Thomas is resolved to sacrifice everything for the woman he loves.
Risking their lives and their love, Molly and Thomas and a team of nobles on their side will stop at nothing to empower the powerless, no matter the personal cost.mary
About the Author
Jen Geigle Johnson discovered her love for uncovering obscure and fascinating pieces of history while kayaking on the Thames near London as a young teenager. Now an award-winning author and mother of six, she loves to share bits of history that might otherwise be forgotten. Although she married a man whose substance is the stuff with which heroes are made, thinking up stirring matches for everyone else keeps her riveted to the keyboard--whether in Regency England, the French Revolution, or Colonial America. Her romance novels are much like life is supposed to be: full of adventure. They start with a grand entrance, immediately get pretty bumpy and difficult, are full of hills and and some ravines, but always end happy.
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