Check out the tour for No Chance Meeting by Jaye Elliot (Tour Launch & #Giveaway) #NCMPrism @PrismBookTours

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Author Interview

What was your motivation behind writing NO CHANCE MEETING?

No Chance Meeting came as a completely surprise to me. I always used to say that I couldn’t write contemporary romance to save my life. I didn’t even have any desire to do so. But only a little over a week before NaNoWriMo 2016, I started having ideas for NCM (probably because I was watching Leverage at the time and developed a serious fictional character crush on Eliot, who became the inspiration for Riley). It all just came together really fast. I had never done NaNoWriMo before, but it seemed like the perfect time to try it. I really didn’t think I’d write the full 50,000 words or that the book would even be that long (I started out thinking it would be a novella). I ended up writing over 60,000 words in November 2016 and now the finished book is just over 100,000 words. A far cry from a novella. So I didn’t really have any reason or motivation for writing the book other than it simply demanded to be written. I find that’s how I end up writing the majority of my books.

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

The core of the story is never to give up because God is always working behind the scenes and can bring people into our lives or change our circumstances right when we most need it. Another big aspect of the book is that things and circumstances don’t define us. Our faith and how we live do.

Do you have a favorite scene that you can share with us?

I have a lot of favorites, but I always get a laugh out of this one where Alex’s best friends are over to watch a Broncos game. Though Mindy and Zach aren’t the main couple, I still had a lot of fun with their relationship and banter.

With the game about to begin, Riley started getting up to let Alex and Mindy take his spot on the couch, but Zach stopped him.

“Nope, you just stay right there. Min gets her own seat during games. Trust me, she needs it.”

She cast him a stern look, but humor lurked behind it. “I may get a little too into games sometimes.”

“Which includes whacking innocent bystanders in the nose with her elbow.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault you leaned forward.”

Zach shook his head dramatically. “I thought I was gonna end up in the ER with a broken nose. Then I’d have to explain that, no, my wife doesn’t beat me, she just thought swinging her arms around and yelling at the TV would whip the players into shape.”

“Oh, stop. It didn’t even bleed.”

“No, I just sported a black eye for a week.” Zach glanced over at Riley. “Try explaining that to the guys at work.”

Mindy rolled her eyes and shook her head but wore a little smirk on her face.

“Anyway, the moral of the story is: never let Mindy sit within arm’s length of anyone during games.”

If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say?

Girl meets guy and slowly comes to realize that God works in our lives even when we’ve given up and that even “chance” encounters are part of His plan.

Share something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write... or favorite snack foods?

I started out writing in notebooks and to this day I still prefer to write longhand. I’ve always found that I’m much more productive when writing that way. The last several years I got away from it because it took too much time and work to transcribe everything onto the computer, but I recently bought a tablet that does that for me, so I’ll be back to doing most of my writing longhand.

No Chance Meeting
(No Chance Love #1)
By Jaye Elliot
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 393 Pages
February 11th 2020 by Living Sword Publishing

Alex Jennings is done with life. After losing her brother in Afghanistan, everything has collapsed around her. Getting laid off from her day job and failing in her art career, she has nowhere left to turn. She once had faith to believe that all things would work together for good, but that faith died with her brother. Now she just wants the pain to end.

Riley Conrad served thirteen years in the military until three bullets sent him home. After a year and a half of physical therapy and scraping together a living, all he wants is to live a simple life and perhaps even open the coffee shop he dreams about. However, the weight of failing his parents’ expectations doesn’t make it easy, and working as a bartender isn’t getting him anywhere fast.

Could a “chance” meeting between Alex and Riley set them both on the path God always intended?

(Affiliate link included.)
Tour Schedule

February 24th:
Rockin' Book Reviews
underneath the covers
ACME Teen Books - Kids, YA & NA Too!
February 25th:
Hallie Reads
Locks, Hooks and Books
The Power of Words
February 26th:
Christy's Cozy Corners
Splashes of Joy
Jorie Loves A Story
February 27th:
Beauty in the Binding
Heidi Reads...
February 28th:
Tell Tale Book Reviews
Hearts & Scribbles
February 29th:
Grand Finale

About the Author

Jaye Elliot is an award-winning author, country girl, and hopeless romantic at heart. She loves a good hero and will always sigh happily during the lights scene in Tangled. She writes from her home in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, which she shares with three cats she considers her kids. When not writing romance novels, she pens fantasy and adventure stories as Jaye L. Knight.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed copy of No Chance Meeting, a coffee mug, a bag of chocolates, and a hand painted watercolor bookmark (US only)

Ends March 4, 2020

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