Shadow and Stone
(Frey Saga #5)
By Melissa Wright
New Adult, YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 216 Pages
February 4, 2020
Paperback & ebook, 216 Pages
February 4, 2020
No bargains unpaid.
After a perilous clash with the fey, the changeling who betrayed the paramount of their laws--and threatens the safety of both realms--has gone into hiding. As Frey and her Seven recover, concealed plans and furtive bargains begin to unravel, putting in danger their old guard and new.
They’re on unsteady ground.
Scattered and healing, those sworn to protect the North and its lord work to secure their footing. They are running out of time to cure the darkness poisoning the fey lands, before it overflows into the rest of the realm. But Ruby has gone missing, and this time it seems of her own accord.
They’re out of time.
If they don’t stop her, she’ll face the deadly changeling alone. But more forces are at play than it seems, and the fey lord confined on his lands by treachery and two half-human elves has made a bargain of his own.
My Review
SHADOW AND STONE picks up after the last book in this series, as these characters try to pick up the pieces and enjoy a bit of hard-won peace. Of course, they can't seem to get much rest as another threat looms before them and they again must face opponents who are out to cause mayhem and grasp their own power. Fans of the series will enjoy being with these beloved characters again and this well-drawn fantasy world full of elves and fey.
It had been a while since I read the last book in the series, but the author did well in providing a bit of a refresher, but not so much that I felt it was an info dump. In this book there was more of Thea's perspective and I got to know her better. She's a newer character in the series as she comes on the scene in the previous book (I believe). I really liked her character, with her sarcasm and tendency to get herself into trouble. She's also extremely loyal, as are all those who Frey surrounds herself with. I liked how she's not the most skilled and is a bit in the dark, but she still is willing to do her best. I also liked the camaraderie between her and Steed. I loved getting to spend time with the other main characters. Ruby is up to her usual mischief and trying to protect the others. Freya is trying to lead her kingdom, but also save the fey, which in turn will save her own world. The rest of the Seven do their part in fighting alongside her.
I still really love this fantasy world. Veil and Liana, as well as the other fey, are their usual slippery selves and I was never quite sure what or who could be trusted. I also still found the light and dark elves interesting, as well as the spellcasting and the wolves who used to fill other forms. The ending was very climatic and intense with a good lead-in to the next book.
I would have liked more explanations and some things filled in more. Some of the scenes skip around a bit. There is a certain mysteriousness that the series always maintains that is used in not allowing the reader to know everything going on, but I would have liked more things to be explained - like how exactly the spellcasting worked, how Freya's power worked and that of the changelings' as well as others.
In the end, was it what I wished for? I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the continuation of this series. The characters are likable, with genuine friendships, sweet romances, and a constant underlying feeling of danger that leads to a climatic ending. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series!
Content: Clean
Source: I received a complimentary copy from the author, which did not require a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Feather and Bone
(Frey Saga #6)
By Melissa Wright
New Adult, YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 210 Pages
Paperback & ebook, 210 Pages
June 2, 2020
A bargain with a fey lord cannot be unbroken.
Frey holds the fate of both the fey and elven lands in her half-blood hands. The encroaching darkness has crept past the boundary and claimed a life as its toll. If she doesn’t discover a way to end it, the next casualty could be one of her own.
As her Seven rush to discover the source of the darkness, the changelings conspire to break themselves free, bringing forth a new danger--one that could end them all.
Time is running out, and her only chance to defeat the darkness might be to embrace it.
My Review
FEATHER AND BONE was a fantastic conclusion to this series! All the characters should be well-known to readers of the series by now, and all of them have their moments of glory in this final installment when the stakes are very high indeed. Again, readers will venture to the land of elves and fey as a force tries to break the magic that sustains them. Freya, her Seven, and a few others must all work together to save their world before it's too late.
I loved that I could jump into this final book right after reading the fifth book. These characters are still in the thick of things trying to figure out what to do to reestablish the magical lines that protect their world. All the beloved characters are here. I especially liked getting to know Willa a bit better and how she tries to help Thea. One of my favorite things about this book, if you can guess by the cover, is that there are dragons! This is a really fun aspect of this story and getting to see Freya have a bit of fun. Of course, the stakes are very high in this final installment and Freya and her Seven are tested and tried. It is questionable if they will come out of it all unscathed.
I really love these characters and this fantasy world. I would love even more development and explanation for how everything works, particularly the magic. I also still have some lingering questions about Isa and Liana. Regardless, I found this last book to be full of danger, surprises, and the characters I've come to love, with a very satisfying ending.
In the end, was it what I wished for? This was the perfect ending to this series. If you enjoy fantasy with great characters, an intriguing plot, plenty of climatic moments, and a touch of romance, then I'd recommend this series. I'm looking forward to this author's next release!
Content: Clean
Source: Purchased
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