Weekly Update #175, in which we're getting ready for school...

Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week! I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, as well as to Tynga's Reviews for Stacking the Shelves and Talk Supe for Bought, Borrowed, and Bagged showcasing the books I added to my shelves or Kindle this week.

My oldest started school today. It's been a rather busy week and weekend (thus the late Weekly Update). The other three start in a few weeks, but they're pretty much ready since we got all the school supplies at once. 

This week is fairly low-key for me. I have books I'd like to review, but very few with set-in-stone deadlines, which is nice. I'm also really enjoying reading AND I DARKEN so far. It's rather dark and interesting and I can feel the tension gathering and the plot growing. Here's what to expect this week (some of which have already posted):

Sophie's PathA Beauty Refined (Sapphire Brides, #2)Defending Taylor

Dena and I will be sharing our thoughts from the first half of AND I DARKEN for our Read-Along, so come check that post out on Friday!

I got the Owlcrate box this month and it was a really fun one with good vs. evil being the theme! I got EVIL and my kids are already trying to take my dementor POP!, which will not happen. Mawhawhawhaw... No ebooks this week, so this is it:
Owlcrate box with This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab and swag - Purchased
The Echoing by Jessica Blackburn - For Review

There are a couple of giveaways going on right now. Check them out:
Sigil in Shadow
How's your Monday?

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