I love SciFi and this one sounds really good! Check out
my interview with the author and the giveaway below...
my interview with the author and the giveaway below...
(Torch World Series #1)
by Dee Garretson
by Dee Garretson
YA SciFi
Paperback & ebook, 300 Pages
February 14th 2017 by Month9Books
Scientists and their families stationed on the remote planet of Fosaan were promised a tropical vacation-like experience. But Fosaan, devastated from an apocalyptic event nearly three-hundred years ago, is full of lethal predators and dangerous terrain.
Earthers are forbidden to go beyond the safety zone of their settlement and must not engage the remaining reclusive Fosaanians, native to the planet. Sixteen-year-old Quinn Neen is about to do both of those things.
During an unsanctioned exploration of the planet, Quinn discovers a beautiful Fosaanian girl named Mira stealing food from his family’s living unit. But before he can convince her to show him around, scientists are taken captive, leaving Quinn and the other young Earthers at the mercy of space raiders.
Quinn must go from renegade to leader and convince Mira to become an ally in a fight against an enemy whose very existence threatens their lives and the future of Earthers stuck on Fosaan and at home.
(Affiliate links included.)
Author Interview
Welcome, Dee, to my blog today!
Hi Tressa, Thank you very much for
hosting me on your blog.
Q: What inspired you to write STATION
A: I’ve been a science fiction fan ever
since I read A WRINKLE IN TIME in 4th grade and watched reruns of STAR TREK
every day after school. I loved the idea of exploring new worlds. As I grew
older I got more interested in the question of how humans will actually move
out into space and onto other planets. STATION FOSAAN is a way I explored one
possible answer to that question.
Q: What does the planet look like?
A: Fosaan is a planet with active
volcanoes somewhat like a Jurassic world. The black sand beaches and jungles
full of ferns and palm-like cycads would make it a beautiful place to visit, if
it weren’t for the large land and sea creatures that see humans as a nice
snack. Throw in some lethal plants and strange insect-like little beasts, and
it makes it a challenging place to live.
Q: If Quinn was giving us advice on how
to survive, what would he say?
A: He would say that the answer to a
problem sometimes takes creativity. Thinking beyond the conventional and being
creative with what you have are key to overcoming challenges. I think that’s
true in most of life!
Q: What are Fosaanians like?
A: I spent a long time pondering the
Fosaanians before I started to write the book. On the one hand, there are
Fosaanians who are focused on the past, when the planet had a thriving advanced
civilization. They feel the loss of that keenly. Emerick, who is an elderly
historian of sorts, sums this up when he laments,
When a civilization comes close to extinction, what emerges out of the ashes? On Fosaan, music did not, and art has turned to survival craft. Perhaps if I record what I know, some in the future will understand us better. The coming of the Earthers may be the end of us, and I do not want our memories to fade to ash.
Then there are the Fosaanians who
live right in the moment. Every group has people like that. Since they’ve known
nothing else, they aren’t all that interested in the past and they have embraced
their more basic culture, which is focused on being strong enough to survive.
Those Fosaanians will follow their leaders, but they haven’t given much thought
to what that means. It leads to much conflict between the two types.
Q: Would you share with us a favorite
line or scene?
A: The story is an adventure and there
is lots of danger, but I have fun writing some of the lighter moments. In this
story some of my favorite parts involve a parrot named Mags who belongs to
Quinn, one of the main characters. It may sound strange that there is a parrot
in a science fiction story, but she’s important to the plot. The olons in this
bit are odd creatures native to Fosaan:
An olon flew in and perched on a stool, folding its wings into small pleats and settling down like it intended to stay. I recognized it from its abnormal markings. Most olons had a bright green streak under each eye, but this one was missing the streak on the left. It was also the one who seemed to have an uncanny knack for knowing when food was out. “You’re not getting any of this,” I said to it. “Don’t be lazy. Go find your own food.” It hooted at me.
At the noise, Mags hopped into the room and then flew up and landed on the counter, flapping her wings and screeching, “Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Dog! Dog!” She hated the olons and “dog” was her word for anything she hated.
The olon just gazed at the parrot, not moving. “Easy, Mags,” I said, “It’s ‘olon’. ‘Olon.’”
“Dog!” Mags flapped her wings threateningly. “Man the weapons!” My father had taught Mags the weapons line, and he and I thought it hilarious, though my mother wasn’t crazy about the parrot threatening any guest the bird didn’t like. When the olon didn’t move, Mags added in some incoming missile sound effects to indicate she was extremely displeased.
Q: What do you like most about the
A: I like the characters and their
relationships with each other. It’s always fun and challenging as a writer to
try to give the readers characters they can root for and characters they’d like
to know. That’s what I look for when I’m reading so I try to do the same in my
Q: What are you working on next?
A: The second book in the TORCH WORLD
TRILOGY is done but needs some polishing. I’m also working on the third book,
though I’m just in the early stages of it. I think I know how the story is
going to end, but I never know for sure until I actually write it.
Thanks so much for answering all my questions, Dee!
Thanks so much for answering all my questions, Dee!
About the Author
Dee Garretson writes for many different age groups, from chapter books to middle grade to young adult to adult fiction. She lives in Ohio with her family, and in true writer fashion, has cat companions who oversee her daily word count. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel, watch old movies, and attempt various kinds of drawing, painting and other artistic pursuits.
Tour Schedule
Week One:
2/13/2017- S.E.
Muir- Excerpt
2/16/2017- Lisa's Loves(Books of Course)- Guest Post
2/17/2017- So Few Books- Interview
2/17/2017- Month9Books- Excerpt
Week Two:
2/20/2017- Two Chicks on Books- Interview
2/21/2017- Susan Heim on Writing- Excerpt
2/21/2017- Book-Keeping- Review
2/22/2017- Wishful Endings- Interview
Worlds Books- Guest Post
2/23/2017- Always & Forever Fangirling- Excerpt
2/23/2017- the Blacksheep Reader- Review
2/24/2017- I am not a bookworm!- Review
(Can also view the schedule here.)
Tour-Wide Giveaway
(1) winner will receive a Perfectly Posh, Posh To Meet You Set ($20 value), US Only.
(20) winners will receive a Fosaanian-inspired bracelet or key chain (winner’s choice), US Only.
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