This book came at the perfect time for me. Read my thoughts and enter the giveaway below...
Partnering with God to Become Your Best Self
by Kiersten Lortz
by Kiersten Lortz
LDS Nonfiction, Christian
Paperback & ebook, 160 Pages
April 1st 2017 by Covenant Communications, Inc.
Do you feel stuck? Do you wish for a more joyful life than the one you’re leading? If the routine and pressures of life have you running on autopilot, it may be time to reevaluate your current course and remember that change begins within yourself—and it takes work! With refreshing insights, author Kiersten Lortz encourages you to stop waiting for things to get better and to expect the best out of life—not for yourself, but of yourself. Through inspired gospel teachings and personal experiences shared by women who have also felt stuck, you will be empowered to make the changes necessary to claim a more fulfilling and abundant life. Now is the time to transform yourself into a woman of industry and faith. By learning to eliminate negative influences, seek positivity, and create a life of productivity, you can find the strength to take action today.
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My Review
Remember, action is power.
POSSIBILITIES is an inspiring book for those looking to make something more of their lives or those who feel stuck where they are. Chapters focus on an overall personal assessment, making plans, focusing, and then putting that plan into action to bring about change. Recommended for LDS as well as Christian readers.
I have found that the more diligent I am in acting upon promptings, the more they come—to the point where I begin to anticipate what the Lord is going to ask of me and I feel the Spirit moving me forward.
What I enjoyed most about this book was that it was a very honest look at life and what gets in the way of us attaining our goals or living the life we want to live. I also appreciated that the author made everything very applicable and easy to implement one step at a time.
Our eternal destiny begins with our thoughts because those things which make their way to the front of our mind are the ones on which we focus our energy.
Each chapter had a specific inspirational message, such as "Create What You Want," "Personal Revelation," and "Facing Fear," to name a few. Then throughout you'll find scriptures and quotes from religious leaders as well as stories and examples. Each chapter supported the overall message of the book as well.
Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter. . . .
I would have loved a few changes. One would have been a table of contents at the beginning of the book. Another to have a little more design in the text to break it apart a little more. These are quite minor complaints though.
We are so good at comparing ourselves to others that we completely miss the mark in recognizing our individual worth.
There were a few things that didn't quite ring true for me, but I think with any book like this, some things are more true or connect better with me than others based on where I am in life and the specific challenges I face. Everyone is different. The author did a fabulous job of covering pretty much all the ways our lives might not be living up to our dreams or to what God wants them to be and then helping the reader see what can be done. I really appreciated that none of it felt overwhelming or judgmental, and the things that could be done to make changes are all doable and fairly simple.
We are all capable of greatness if we can let go of our fears and doubts, and trust God to direct our path.
In the end, was it what I wished for? This was a book that came at the perfect time for me, when I have been feeling the desire to make some changes and get my life in better order. This book inspired me, but also showed me an applicable way to actually make the changes I need to make. Hopefully it will do the same for you.
. . . each of us has precious moments we can choose to use or to waste. Our happiness has a great deal to do with how we allot that time.
Source: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher, which did not require a review nor affect it in any way.
About the Author
Kiersten Lortz grew up in wild, wonderful West Virginia, where she spend most of her time making music through violin, piano, and voice. She has a degree in violin performance and runs an active music studio in her home. Most of her time is devoted to caring for her four fun kids and her awesome husband. Most people would say she is always happy, but her family will tell you she gets grumpy regularly. Kiersten's greatest interests are fitness, food, travel, food, music, and food. Her kids enjoy when she stands on the kitchen table and sings—just not when their friends are around. Her mission is to help women create lives they love by bringing them closer to Christ. Kiersten and her family live in Maryland.
Tour Schedule
May 1st: http://mybookaday.blogspot.com/, http://ldswritermom.blogspot.com/
May 2nd: http://www.wishfulendings.com
May 3rd: http://ilovetoreadandreviewbooks.blogspot.com/
May 4th: http://ldsandlovinit.blogspot.com/
May 5th: http://www.singinglibrarianbooks.com/, http://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com/, http://literarytimeout.blogspot.com/
Tour-Wide Giveaway
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