Welcome to my tour stop! Read a top ten list, interview
as well as an excerpt, and check out two giveaways below...
YA Dystopian, SciFi
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 192 Pages
December 16th 2017
Would you sacrifice your humanity to save mankind?
IT’S THE YEAR 2828, and Domus is the last remaining country. Divided into twelve walled cities known as genuses, Domus spans what’s known as the purist lands—lands unaffected by the genetic modifications that killed all other species of mammals. But outside the walls of each genus the Immundus threaten the welfare of those within. From a young age, all citizens of Domus are trained for combat against these intruders.
At sixteen, Nia Luna knows little of the Immundus, except for the citywide alarms that ring any time an Immundus nears the genus walls. What she does know is that her own species is dying—their numbers dwindling as a mysterious disease called allagine kills many before their eleventh birthday. The same disease that ravaged her family when it took her sister.
When Nia is recruited into Genesis, a research company pioneering the path to a cure, she knows that her dream to find a cure for allagine is finally within her grasp. But within weeks of starting at Genesis, Nia witnesses something she shouldn’t have—something that changes everything. As she sets down a dangerous path that uncovers national secrets, Nia will have to decide not only what kind of person she wants to be but also how far she’s willing to go to save humanity.
Top Ten List
2. I lived in the Phillipines for 3 months on a business trip.
3. I became PADI certified to scuba dive, while in the Phillipines.
4. I also paint pictures.
5. I am an actress. I performed in theater and had an agent for awhile. I also performed in a short film which was recently sent to film festivals.
6. I wrote a short film screenplay which starts filming July 7, 2018.
7. In addition to writing books I am working on a screenplay based loosely on the lives of my grandmothers.
8. I was a teen mom. I had my son when I was 18. I became a single mom when he was one and didn't get married until he was 16.
9. It took me 10 years to obtain an Associates Degree, then 4 more years to obtain a bachelors degree, 1 year to obtain my Masters Degree, and 4 years to obtain my doctorate, while I worked, raised my son, and dabbled in the arts.
10. I am allergic to cats and dogs, but I have a dog (Princess) and cat (Smokey) who I adore so I'm constantly on allergy meds or wearing a mask around the house. I love animals so much that I'm vegetarian.
Author Interview
Tell us about your writing - What genre do you prefer to write? What books, stories, other publications that you've written are your personal favorites? Anything new coming up?
As a child I always read the fantastical stories, not stories based in reality. So I write Science Fiction and Fantasy. The Immundus is my debut novel so I have to say that is my favorite for now. I am working on book 2 of The Immundus, and a middle grade novel called Macie and the Magi. I also have a New Adult book I’m working on called Merlin Unmasked. I even make a reference to it in The Immundus, when one of the characters scans books on a bookshelf, Merlin Unmasked is one of the books on the shelf.
What about you as a person? What do you do to relax? Favorite movies or tv shows? Hobbies?
I watch TV or read a book to relax. My favorite TV shows are Big Bang Theory and Merlin. My hobbies tend to lean toward the arts or other creative endeavors, such as acting, singing, dancing, painting, sewing, designing clothes and, drawing.
"All writers must have cats, especially if they write fantasy or speculative fiction." Do you have a stand on this one? Any cute pictures of your kitty or other pet?
I like the idea that writers must have cats. I have a cat named Smokey and a dog named Princess who I love, but the sad thing is I’m allergic to cats and dogs.
Smokey & Princess
The advice I like to share with all aspiring writers is to do three things. 1) Read in the genre they want to write in, 2) Read books on the writing craft, 3) Write everyday. The more you write the better you get, however write well. What I mean by this is don’t get in the habit of writing sloppy. In other words, if a basketball player is practicing every day to make a basket be each day he continues in using poor form, he’ll never get better. However, if each day he learns about perfect form and then practices that form he will improve. In the same respect, a writer must read books on the writing craft but then continuously include what is learned in one’s own writing.
I recommend several resources for those wanting to become writers.
* Subscribe to Writer’s Digest. http://subscriptions.writersdigest.com/Writers-Digest/Magazine
* Take Margie Lawson courses https://www.margielawson.com/ (She’s a psychologist that provides wonderful insight into character development)
* Take writing courses through Great Courses
* Books such as Just Write by James Scott Bell
Any special appearances or events coming up that you want to mention?
I finished my book tour where I traveled around, so now I switched to my online book tour.
Just outside the door, a gray-haired but young-looking man, is speaking with Dr. Matus. Derek is by her side.
“Nia.” She puts her hand out to stop me from passing her. “This is Mr. Dyer. He would like to speak to you and Derek for a moment.”
“A problem you may have experienced with an elevator this morning.”
“No problem,” Derek responds. “We made it to the lab on time. Didn’t we, Dr. Matus?”
“Yes, they did.” She shoots a concerned look at Mr. Dyer.
“I understand you went to the ostrich floor.”
“No. A man who was in the elevator went there. We were headed here,” I say.
“Nevertheless, I must take you to administration for further questioning.”
“Why can’t you ask them here?” Dr. Matus asks, her tone thick with confusion.
“That is beyond your level.”
She stabs him with a look of disdain. He walks us through the lab to the elevator. All eyes are on us.
On the administration floor, we’re directed to a room at the end of the hall, where the light appears dimmer than the light on the other end. The room is bare, with white walls and a table with chairs in the center.
“What did you hear and see on the ostrich floor?”
“Nothing.” The word bursts from Derek’s and my mouth simultaneously.
“Don’t lie to me.” His words were razor sharp, cutting into my conscience. “I have video.” The room begins to feel more like a cell.
“Then why are you even asking us?” Derek says. “You saw whatever we saw. Why are you questioning us like this?”
“I want to hear from you what you think you saw and heard.”
“I told you. Nothing. I don’t know what I saw or heard,” I say.
His eyes are deep and dark, shaped like pumpkin seeds, but with a
narrow lid.
“Tell me what you saw now!”
“We saw the man. He pressed the ostrich button and scanned his hand and arm. He got out on the floor. We heard a scream. There was a flash of color. That’s it. You know what we saw, and it was nothing, and we did nothing. Why are we here?! Tell us!” Derek explodes before snapping his mouth shut, breathing heavily through his nose.
Sweat forms in a single thin layer on my hands. “Are we in trouble?”
“On what?” Derek asks.
“On whether you’re both true—” The media light on Mr. Dyer’s
temple flashes. “I need to take this call.” He steps outside and shuts the glass door. My father’s hologram appears. Derek and I watch the interaction. I’m
unable to hear the conversation, but I catch one word—Immundus. Mr. Dyer notices we can see him and touches the door, changing it from see-through to white.
“He’s getting chewed out. I wonder who that is.”
“My father,” I admit.
“What floor does he work on?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know anything.”
“Well, he looks like he has more authority than Mr. Dyer. Maybe he’ll get us out of here.” Derek and I wait impatiently for Mr. Dyer to return.
He walks in, chagrinned, holding the door open. “You’re free to go.” He sends Derek a devious smirk. “For now.”
About the Author

I took a non-traditional route to writing, considering I have a doctorate in Educational Leadership. Aside from writing, I work full-time as a Training & Development Coordinator at Kaweah Delta, a teaching hospital, and some semesters I also teach at College of the Sequoias in Visalia, California, where I currently live. When I’m not at my full-time and part-time job, I enjoy writing, reading, watching TV, and spending time with my husband and pets (cat-Smokey, dog-Princess).
The Immundus is my debut novel.
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