Come join the Enclave Scavenger Hunt... Waking Beauty by Sarah E. Morin (#Giveaway) @EnclaveBooks @Celebrate_Lit

Celebrate Lit is excited to partner with Enclave Publishing to feature 13 of their authors in a fun scavenger hunt. Stop by each of the blog stops to check out the author interview and to collect their special word. Once you have collected each word, put all the words together into a sentence to enter into the giveaway for additional entries.

Welcome to my scavenger hunt stop! Find the word you need to grab and the giveaway below...

Waking Beauty
By Sarah E. Morin
Christian YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 480 Pages
April 21st 2015 by Enclave Publishing


The rescue wasn't going at all how he planned. Prince Arpien intends to gain a throne and the sleeping beauty's heart with a single kiss that wakes her from the evil fairy's curse. But kissing the princess is only the beginning of a series of unforeseen obstacles: man-eating bugs, deadly spindles, talking lapdogs, and fiery pickles. The sleeping beauty is the biggest complication of all.

Princess Brierly is beautiful and Fairy-Gifted, but also...daft. After one hundred years of sleep imprisonment, Brierly refuses to believe this rescue is anything more than a tantalizing but doomed dream.

Arpien is drawn to the vibrancy beneath Brierly's indifferent exterior. Can they reclaim her kingdom? Do they dare trust in the Prince of the old tales to help them battle the evil fairy who cursed Brierly? What is the price of waking beauty?

(Affiliate links included.)

Scavenger Hunt Word

About the Author

Sarah E. Morin has three passions: God, books, and working with youth. She has published books, both with a twisted fairy tale theme: Waking Beauty (novel, Christy Award Finalist) and Rapunzel the Hairbrained (children’s picture book to accompany a workshop on girls’ self-esteem, funded by Indiana Arts Commission). Her poetry has been published in print anthologies, newspapers, magazines, and online. She is president of Noble Poets, board member of Logan Street Sanctuary (a non-profit arts venue), coediter of The Polk Street Review, and cofounder of NICE, Noblesville Interdisciplinary Creativity Expo. By day she supervises 115 wonderful youth volunteers at a history museum in Indiana. She and her husband and run Page & Stage Theatre Co., a drama-for-literacy program. When she grows up she wants to be a child prodigy.

Scavenger Hunt

By the Book, Stop One
Lukewarm Tea, Stop Three
A Reader’s Brain, Stop Seven
Wishful Endings, Stop Ten
Vicky Sluiter, Stop Eleven
Texas Book-aholic, Stop Twelve
Artistic Nobody, Stop Fourteen


I've actually seen quite a few of Enclave's titles and have several on my tbr. Have you read this story or any others on the scavenger hunt? Did you grab the word and enter the giveaway?

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