Weekly Update #360, prayers for an end to the crisis and thankfulness for what I have...

Welcome to my Weekly Update where I share what's been going on and what's coming up!

I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

My days and weeks have begun blurring together. What is this... the end of week two of social distancing and no school? At least for us. We have two weeks of no school still ahead, but my oldest who is in high school will be starting distance learning this week to an extent. I have four kids so it'll be a bit of a juggle getting them all online to do work and such. We are praying though that those affected are being comforted, that medical staff are being guided and blessed, and that this all will end soon with far less damage than everyone is projecting. I have family who this virus would easily affect and a son with asthma, so I've been trying not to feel too anxious for them.
 I do have to say that I've enjoyed getting to exercise when I want, sleeping in, and spending fun days at home with the kids. This whole situation has reminded me that simple is okay and I'm so very grateful for a break to enjoy the good things in life (like having food, a couple more weeks supply of toilet paper - lol, my family who are all healthy, a husband with a job, good weather, and fabulous books!) even amidst the crisis. I hope each of you and your loved ones are staying well!

This Week

Last Week

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