2013 Books Read

At the beginning of last year Jen, from YA Romantics, posted stats about the books she read in 2012. (You can see her stats from 2013 here.) Ever since then the desire to do the same has been in the back of my mind. I basically want to know if I read from a specific genre more than another and if that matches up with what I think my reading preferences are. Here's a brief summary of what I found:

Total books read in 2013: 216

Isn't that crazy!!! I can't believe I read so many! The crazier thing is that I would have loved to have read 200+ more. I'm planning on reading at least 200 again in 2014.

Books read, but still left to review (included in the above total): 11

Not all of these will be reviewed on my blog, but some will, so look for those soon.

Total books that I DNF (not included in above total): 18

These were books I read a few chapters to at least half of the book or more before I decided not to finish them for various reasons. If I would have finished them all, then my total would have been 234 books.

I'm hoping to spend less time on books I would DNF in 2014, which means that this number might be higher next year. I just feel it is a waste of my time to read so much of a book I don't like when I have so many books, and good books, waiting to be read. I spent too much time trying to read these books when I didn't like them from the beginning in 2013. It's hard though when you want to like a book and are hoping that it will get better to only find out that it doesn't.

Type of books read (genre) in 2013:

 I'll refer to my handy graphs here:

A lot of the books actually fit into multiple genres, so I tried to evenly split those that did.

I have a pretty good spread of books in every genre, with Contemporary and Fantasy being the most concentrated.

Book Source

That is a crazy number of books from tours! It's something I'm planning on cutting down this year while increasing the books that I read from NetGalley/Edelweiss by quite a lot. Although a lot of tour books also come through NetGalley/Edelweiss.

This is really more for me than anyone. It just helps me kind of see what I read and where I could make some changes. :)

What type(s) of book did you read the most in 2013?

There's also still a few days left to enter to win my end-of-2013 giveaway. Go here to do so.

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