2014 Review Pile Reading Challenge


I'm joining the 2014 Review Pile Reading Challenge, hosted by Rachel @ Fiktshun and Reanna @ Phantasmic Reads! You can find out all the details here.

I'm aiming for the Adept (40+) level of reading. I definitely shouldn't have an issue getting there since I have well over 100 books to review and am planning on reading at least 200 books this year. This challenge might overlap a little with the other two challenges I'm doing, but that's okay. I liked this one because it includes ALL review books. I'm going to try not to include NetGalley and Edelweiss books, but include ebook and print books for review that I receive straight from authors and publishers just for review or for tours. These books I can't use for the NG/E challenge.

As I read and review books, I'll list them on my Goodreads shelf and at least 40 below with links to their reviews since that is the highest level and the one I'm going for. I probably won't list all of them here because that is a lot of books to list if I end up reading 100+ review books. :)
I'm looking forward to all the review books I'm going to be reading! How about you? Are you participating in any challenges?

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