Come join the Redemption Press Scavenger Hunt... Totally Unexpected by P.C. Magnussen (#Giveaway) @RedemptionPress @Celebrate_Lit

Welcome to my scavenger hunt stop! I'm on tour with Celebrate Lit today who is partnering with Redemption Press Publishing to feature seven of their authors in a fun, 14 day scavenger hunt. Stop by each of the blog stops to check out the author interview and to collect the word of the day to enter for extra entries into our giveaway. On day 14, put all the words together into a sentence to enter into the giveaway for additional entries.

Find the word you need to grab and enter the giveaway below...

Totally Unexpected
By P.C. Magnussen
Christian Contemporary YA
Paperback & ebook, 220 Pages
August 12th 2016 by Redemption Press


Seventeen-year-old Rebecca Robinson, beautiful and bright, arranges to meet her best friend for an afternoon of chatting, eating… and drinking stolen beer. When Rebecca arrives at the nearby meadow, she does not find her friend – instead, she finds what seems to be a UFO. Curious, she climbs inside to explore, kicking off the adventure of a lifetime. Her journey leads her not only to Hawaii but into the arms of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Scott Anderson, the copilot of the “UFO” and an attractive, Christian young man, introduces his new friend to Christ, scripture, church, and Christian friends. Unexpectedly, they fall in love. Everything seems to be going perfectly until Rebecca is tested.  Her BFF, put off by her new faith, shuns her. Rebecca wonders if the right way to tackle a friend’s unplanned pregnancy is through abortion. Confused, she is not sure what God wants for her life. Scott is confused, too, and they break up.

A dangerous encounter in Paris will make everything clear to both of them. But will it provide the answers they want for romance, happiness, and deeper faith in each other and the Lord? Or will it drive them permanently apart?

(Affiliate links included.)

Scavenger Hunt Word

About the Author

P. C. Magnussen was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1955, and grew up in Laramie until his mother moved him and his brothers to the Seattle, Washington area. He received a B. S., M. Div. and Th. M. from Corban University in Salem, Oregon. After working for over twenty-four years at The Boeing Company, he retired in 2015 to give more attention to his creative endeavors, and to the love of his life, his wife Shelley. He is a free lance Artist and Writer. While he prefers to write fiction, he is also working on non-fiction projects.

Scavenger Hunt

Janicesbookreviews, Stop Three
Lukewarm Tea, Stop Eight
Wishful Endings, Stop Ten
Andrea Christenson, Stop Thirteen
Artistic Nobody, Stop Fourteen


Have you seen this book or have you read any books published by Redemption Press? Did you grab the word and enter the giveaway?

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