Welcome to my Weekly Update where I share what's been going on and what's coming up!
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
This past week all the kids were back in school after fall break and I was back to my part-time job. Book tours and books up for review were slightly lighter, which I appreciated because I mostly caught up after the horrendous week the week before and didn't have to pull any all-nighters to finish any books. This next week has a ton of reviews and I have quite a bit of reading to do, so I'm hoping to get to it and keep on top of things.
For the first time I was blocked from posting something on Instagram. I posted and then I got a notice saying my post was removed. I have no idea what was offensive about the post. Here's what I was trying to share and you can tell me what you think:
I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
This past week all the kids were back in school after fall break and I was back to my part-time job. Book tours and books up for review were slightly lighter, which I appreciated because I mostly caught up after the horrendous week the week before and didn't have to pull any all-nighters to finish any books. This next week has a ton of reviews and I have quite a bit of reading to do, so I'm hoping to get to it and keep on top of things.
For the first time I was blocked from posting something on Instagram. I posted and then I got a notice saying my post was removed. I have no idea what was offensive about the post. Here's what I was trying to share and you can tell me what you think:
More #bookmail from the past couple of weeks... This is September's #nerdypostbox. The Pride & Prejudice poster and marvel #bookmark are awesome!
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerd #bookaholic #bookworm #booklover #booklove #bookish #bookaddict #unboxing #nerdypost #booksubscriptionbox #bookishfeatures #bookishaccessories
I'm wondering if maybe the Pride and Prejudice poster or some of the other characters could look like something objectionable (I'm just pulling straws here because I really have no clue)? I'm slightly annoyed since I've had some very questionable things come across my feed before and am also pretty sick of some of the paid ads for bras and stuff that cycle through even though I don't have a history for those types of products. The weird thing too is that I saw two others who posted this box with the same hashtags and everything, so I couldn't figure out the difference as to why their posts were okay and mine was not.
Have any of you had your posts taken down? Do you have any thoughts on why Instagram wouldn't let me post this? I of course couldn't find a way to have someone review it from Instagram and tell me why. I'm sure it's just some machine or algorithm or something that flagged it and took it down.
This Week
New Books
It's definitely fall release time and I've been getting a bunch of fun bookmail the past couple of weeks. (All of these have been shared on Instagram.) Here are my new additions:
Harbor for the Nightingale by Kathleen Baldwin
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The Illustrated Edition by J.K. Rowling
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Go enter these giveaways:
Other Things of Note

I'm participating in Blog Ahead again this year. I'm not quite half way to my goal, but I'm hoping to have time to get quite a lot more done in the next two weeks since the holidays are always crazy. Check out my post here.
Last Week
In case you missed any of these over the past week...
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