I Can't Wait for... Thief of Lanwyn Manor by @SarahLaddAuthor & The Way of the Brave by @SusanMayWarren (Can't-Wait Wednesday/Waiting on Wednesday) #CWW #WOW

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted here, at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. If you're continuing with WOW, feel free to link those up as well! Find out more here.

There are so many books I'm excited about coming out in 2019, so I'll be sharing two from January for the next month before I go back to one pick at a time. 🙂

I've been a fan of Sarah E. Ladd ever since I read The Headmistress of Rosemere. Her most recent series is set in Cornwall, which lends its own mysterious charm to her stories. I'm looking forward to this second book in the series (read my review of the first book here)! Susan May Warren's series keep getting more and more intense in the action department and I feel she's been moving more and more towards military suspense starting back with her Christiansen Family series and moving through her Montana Marshalls series, which is where things really got intense. Her new series is full-military suspense and I have not doubt it's going to be fantastic! These are my picks this week...

Thief of Lanwyn Manor
(Cornwall #2)
By Sarah E. Ladd
Christian Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 352 Pages
January 7th 2020 by Thomas Nelson


In this sweet Regency romance, Julia knows Matthew Blake, copper mine owner and very eligible bachelor, is the gentleman she should set her eyes upon. But why can’t she steal her gaze away from his younger brother, Isaac?

Cornwall, England 1818—Julia Twethewey needs a diversion to mend her broken heart, so when her cousin invites her to Lanwyn Manor, Julia eagerly accepts. Lanwyn Manor is at the heart of Cornwall’s mining industry, and as a guest Julia is swept into its intricate world. It’s not long, though, before she realizes something dark lurks in the home’s ancient halls.

As a respected mine owner’s younger son, Isaac Blake is determined to keep his late father’s legacy alive through the family business, despite his brother’s careless attitude. In order to save their livelihood—and the livelihood of those around them—the brothers approach the master of Lanwyn Manor with plans to bolster the floundering local industry. Isaac can’t deny his attraction to the man’s charming niece, but his brother has made his intentions to court the lovely guest clear. And Isaac knows his place.

When tragedy strikes, mysteries arise, and items go missing, Julia and Isaac find they are pulled together in a swirl of strange circumstances, but despite their own best efforts to bow to social expectations, their hearts aren’t so keen to surrender.

*Sweet Regency Romance

*Full-length novel, approximately 90,000 words

*Second in the Cornwall series, but can be read alone

Praise for the Book

Northanger Abbey meets Poldark against the resplendent and beautifully realized landscape of Cornwall. The thinking woman’s romance, The Thief of Lanwyn Manor is an unputdownable escape.” —Rachel McMillan, author of the Van Buren and DeLuca series

“Julia Twethewey joins Ladd’s collection of clever heroines and along with the honorable (and Poldark-esque) Isaac Blake, their story anchors the foray into Cornwall’s copper mining legacy with historical accuracy and brilliant heart.” —Kristy Cambron, bestselling author of The Lost Castle series

(Affiliate links included.)

The Way of the Brave 
(Global Search and Rescue #1)
By Susan May Warren
Christian Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 352 Pages
January 7th 2020 by Fleming H. Revell Company


Former pararescue jumper Orion Starr is haunted by the memory of a rescue gone wrong. He may be living alone in Alaska now, but the pain of his failure--and his injuries--has followed him there from Afghanistan. He has no desire to join Hamilton Jones's elite rescue team, but he also can't shirk his duty when the call comes in to rescue three lost climbers on Denali.

Former CIA profiler and psychiatrist Jenny Calhoun's yearly extreme challenge with her best friends is her only escape from the guilt that has sunk its claws into her. As a consultant during a top-secret mission to root out the Taliban, she green-lighted an operation that ended in ambush and lives lost. When her cathartic climb on Denali turns deadly, she'll be forced to trust her life and the lives of her friends to the most dangerous of heroes--the man she nearly killed.

Her skills and his experience are exactly what's needed to prevent another tragedy--but in order to truly set Orion free from his painful past, Jenny will have to reveal hers. They'll have to put their wounds behind them to survive, but at what cost?

Leap into action with this high-octane, breakneck new series from bestselling author Susan May Warren.

(Affiliate links included.)

Will you be reading either of these?

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