The Hot Summer Reads Readathon: 99 Page Challenge

The challenge for today, hosted by The Bibliophilic Nerds, is to pick up a book from what I haven't read yet, go to page 99, read it, write my own synopsis (without spoilers), and tell you if it changes how I feel about reading the book and, if so, in which way.

I'm going to choose. . . . Mind Games by Kiersten White.

My synopsis:
Someone was looking for someone, but she and the male robot do not know who specifically they were looking for. The answer will decide if it's something they need to worry about or not. Annabelle doesn't know exactly what a certain man was working on, but the robot wants to know if she does. She has been seeing more than just the future. She has been seeing faces of women who are human and alive. She doesn't know what it all means.
What I thought:
So, I am a little lost with what is going on because I don't know who all the characters are and their roles. I don't know who the robot is (the page doesn't give his name) and his relationship with Annabelle, nor do I know who the other man is and his relationship with both parties. What I do know is that this definitely made me want to read the book more. I am completely intrigued. What are these visions that Annabelle is having? What do they mean and who is she seeing? Does she really see the future? Who is she and were her genetics tampered with? Who is this robot and are robots more common than actual humans? I guess I'll just have to read it to find out. ;)

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