Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week. I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
What a crazy busy week! I had two of my little girls take turns or rather overlapped being sick. Poor things. I'm hoping this everyone-taking-turns-being-sick thing is finally over. We've had three different strains of something hit different family members over the past month plus. This month is so busy for me too, both on here, with Prism's tours (we have some fabulous tours going on!), and then at home.
Surprisingly I'm actually a little ahead in my reading, which just feels fabulous! Now if I could just get all my reviews up... Hmm. I was supposed to post several last week and it just didn't happen with everything going on, so hopefully this week I'll get them up. *crosses fingers* I have more reading coming, so I'm creating a little back log. 0.0 Yeah. Don't like those because then it seems like I never get some reviews up for some books and sometimes I start to forget exactly what I want to say in my review. I used to write out reviews. On paper. Before I typed them up on my blog. Oh the old days... Lol!
I hope you guys are enjoying my BLOGOVERSARY!!! It's been fun so far. I don't normally post Sunday stuff as the first day on my updates as they're normally the last day, but that's changing. I don't want you to miss those fun posts. (Obviously I'm feeling chatty tonight.) ;) Speaking of... here's what to look forward to this week:

I'll be a tour stop for The Dandelion Field by Kathryn Springer. I absolutely loved this book! I'm looking forward to telling you all why. :)
I'll finally be posting my review of Dearest by Alethea Kontis as part of its tour. I really love this series!

I did get some ebooks, but didn't have time to get them listed. I'll be listing them all next week.
- Review & Giveaway: Sabotaged by Dani Pettrey
- Review: Madilyn Paige's Self-Titled Debut Music Album
- Cover Reveal: Summer of the Oak Moon by Laura Templeton
- Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Beyond All Dreams by Elizabeth Camden
- Blog Tour Review & Excerpt: Water So Deep by Nichole Giles
- Review: Lark Singer by Lisa Orchard
- Blog Tour Fairy Tale Rant Video: Dearest by Alethea Kontis
- Release Day Blitz: King of Ash and Bone by Melissa Wright
- Blog Tour Launch: Dearest by Alethea Kontis
Upcoming reads (there are too many books that I want to get read!!!):
What do you have going on this week?

OH! YAY for Fairest and Red Queen and The Last Time We Say Goodbye! I have TLTWSG and honestly the USA cover is gooorgeous. I really am not a fan of the buttery look of the UK cover. -_- Gah. I wish covers didn't change from country to country.
ReplyDeleteMy Sunday Post!
Happy bloggoversary !! Enjoy your book haul and have a great week ;)