Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites is a weekly meme hosted here, that spotlights a favorite author, book, series, publisher, cover, blog, etc. Basically whatever bookish thing that you love, recommend, and want to tell others about. Just pick one and link up to my post each Friday to share. You can use the graphic I used above, the other one here, or your own.

I have gotten really busy between blogging, my family, and now partnering with Laura @Colorimetry/Prism Book Tours for blog tours. This means that I will not always be participating in Friday Favorites. Even if I'm not personally sharing something, I will always have a post like this up so that those of you who have a favorite bookish thing to share still can. I would like to see them! I will participate when I can or when I really love something and want to share it with you. It may be completely planned or sporadic.

I don't have a Friday Favorite today. I'm hoping I'll have one next week. Do you have a favorite to share?

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