Ides of March Read-a-thon

Ides of March Read-a-thon

I learned about this read-a-thon through another blogger who I follow. I'm planning on getting quite a bit reading done this weekend and I thought this would be a good way to add some encouragement. :)

It's hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviews.

Here are the books I'd wanted to read from:

Imperfect Love The Avatar Battle (Cragbridge hall, #2) Pivot Point (Pivot Point, #1) All Things Hidden
Safe Passage Where the River Once Flowed The Runaway King (The Ascendance Trilogy, #2) The Orchard (series #1)
Witchstruck (The Tudor Witch Trilogy, #1) Witchfall #16thingsithoughtweretrue Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky, #3)

How did I do? I did okay. We were busier than I had planned and so I didn't get as much reading done as I would have like, but I still did get some decent reading in. This is the status of my reading at the end of this read-a-thon:

Imperfect Love Imperfect Love - Finished (review to come)

The Avatar Battle (Cragbridge hall, #2) The Avatar Battle - Finished (review here)

Where the River Once Flowed Where the River Once Flowed - Finished (review to come)

Pivot Point (Pivot Point, #1) Pivot Point - Started (just a few chapters in, but liking it a lot so far)

The Orchard (series #1) The Orchard - Started (I'm about 50 pages in)

#16thingsithoughtweretrue #16thingsithoughtweretrue - Started (I'm about 5% in)

I still have lots of reading to do, so I'm planning on continuing to focus a lot on my reading and hopefully getting reviews up as well.

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