Clean Sweep ARC Challenge

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge 2014

The Clean Sweep ARC Challenge is hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Angie @ Angela’s Anxious Life. It goes for the whole Month of May with the focus on lowering your ARC stack. You can found out all the details here and the kick-off post here.

Another ARC challenge, which I need! I didn't get all of the books read from ARC April, so I'm transferring several of those over. I'll add to this as I read or don't read. My goal is to read as many books as I can.

Here are the books that I'll definitely be reading because they're scheduled on my calendar for review or for tours (yes, I know this is a crazy amount - I read over 20 books last month, so I'll just have to keep that up):

Camp Boyfriend (Camp Boyfriend, #1) Camp Payback (Camp Boyfriend, #2) Chantress Alchemy (Chantress, #2) Missing Lily
  Will The Real Abi Saunders Please Stand Up? Psi Another Day
 Only With You : A Modern Retelling of Emma (The Jane Austen Academy Series, #5) The Art of Lainey What Is Hidden
Uncovering Cobbogoth (Cobbogoth, #1) Prejudice Meets Pride (Meet Your Match, #1) Synchrony (Destiny #2) The Recruit

Here are other ARCs that I need to read that I'll pull from once I've read what I need to for each week:

 Fair Play  Shattered Secrets (Book of Red #1)
Pulled Under  Only Everything (True Love, #1) Bewitched in Oz
Grace and the Guiltless Fool and the Dragonox: A Prequel to A Tale of Light and Shadow  
   Exile (Exile, #1)

Wish me luck! :)

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