Bout of Books Daily Update #3

Bout of Books

Welcome to my daily update for Bout of Books. You can see my sign-up post with my goals here.

Today was a decent reading day. I had some time at night after the kids were in bed to read and that helped.

Challenge: I participated in the Character Coupling Challenge hosted over at Writing My Own Fairy Tale. You can see which characters I picked to stick together on my Tumblr page.
Books read: finished (~97 pages) of Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined, read to 9% (~24 pages) of Calvin Sparks and the Crossing to Cambria, and finished Solstice (~69 pages) and Dearest (87 pages)
Pages read: 277
Total books read: 3
Total pages read: 693
Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined (Meet Your Match, #2) Solstice Dearest

Challenge: I only participated in the scavenger hunt. I posted it on my Tumblr page if you want to go take a look. :)
Books read: started and finished Love Unexpected: A Storybook Romance (176 pages), read 60 pages of Dearest, and am at 35% (~86 pages) of Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined
Pages read: 322
Total books read: 1
Total pages read: 322
Love Unexpected: A Storybook Romance

Books read: read 22 pages of The Young Elites, read 10 pages of Dearest, and got to 62% (~62 more pages today) of Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined
Pages read: 94
Total books read: 1
Total pages read: 416

How was your reading today?


  1. You're tackling a lot of books! My writing partner just bought me
    "Young Elites" so I'm interested to see what other people think of it
    (as I hadn't heard of it before receiving it). Good luck on the rest of
    the week! (Visit us at if you have the time!) -Cheri

  2. Wow, I haven't heard of this challenge, but it looks like you're getting a ton done!


I love comments! I try to read and reply to them all. Feel free to agree or disagree and generally share your thoughts with me.