Weekly Update #97

Welcome to my Weekly Update where I post my blog's schedule for the week. I'm linking up to The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

This month is so much less scheduled than last year ever was and I've been catching up on some other things and reading whatever I want. :) I've been a little lazy with getting reviews up, but I'll get to them eventually.

There are a few things scheduled, so here's what you'll be seeing for sure this week:

I'll be a tour stop for Calvin Sparks and the Crossing to Cambria by Rusty Anderson, a middle grade urban fantasy.
Calvin Sparks and the Crossing to Cambria

I'll be a tour stop for Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined by Rachael Anderson. This book was so fun and cute! I'm looking forward to telling you all about it. :)
Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined (Meet Your Match, #2)

I'll be posting for Waiting on Wednesday. Did you see last week's WOW for two YA fantasy picks that I'm looking forward to? I'll also be a tour stop for Love Unexpected: A Storybook Romance by Melanie Jacobson, Jennifer K. Clark, and Julie Daines. This was another fun and sweet romance that I'm excited about sharing.
Love Unexpected: A Storybook Romance

I'll be a tour stop for Parched by Georgia Clark. I'll be sharing about the hero of her story, so stop on by for that.

I don't have anything planned. You'll just have to wait and see. :)

I hadn't posted an STS since the first week in December, so lots of books had piled up. I put an STS post together yesterday that you can go check out here. So many books and really great ones at that!! I'm really looking forward to reading them all!

Nothing right now until my monthly giveaway is up...

Did you miss any of these posts from last week?

I've been participating in Bout of Books. You can see my latest update here. Today is the last day, so hopefully I'll get some good reading in.
Bout of Books

What do you have going on this week?


  1. It's great that you're reading whatever you want! I've been doing more of that as well, and it's been awesome. Hope you have a lovely week (:

  2. That's funny, you're reading whatever you want while I've decided to be stern and organized about the books I read ;) Have a great week !

  3. Looks like you've got some great books coming up! I'm especially intrigued by A Storybook Romance. Have a great week!

  4. Wow! Loads of great posts this week! I didn't do Bouts of Books this year. I did a post about it but then decided I have way too much going on with the move and the kids right now. Have a great week!

    Sunday Post

  5. Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined looks Interesting - I will try to remember to get back here on Tuesday.

    I actually put it on my calendar!

  6. Having a relaxed schedule is good, so enjoy it. I have several reviews to write myself. Hopefully tomorrow.Have a lovely week Tressa.

  7. I'm reading a lot of different and new genres right now. It's fun isn't it?! Happy reading:)
    My Sunday Post - http://fuonlyknew.com/2015/01/11/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-92-and-the-sunday-post/

  8. I've been participating in Bout of Books as well! I've only finished one book so far but I'm hoping to get close to finishing up my second book this evening. I love no pressure reading- makes everything less stressful! I hope that you have a great week filled with good books!

  9. We're very much a like. I read what I want to read too. Hope this week will be nothing but amazing for you!


  10. Looks like a great week of blogging coming, Tressa. :)

  11. Sometimes being lazy while blogging is pretty good! Unscheduled breaks are good, as is reading what you want. Sometimes it's way too easy to forget about doing that with all the review books and such.

  12. Lol! I am normally really organized, so it's a nice switch. I still have review books, but I'm not so scheduled that I can't fit whatever I want in, which is nice since I have a huge list of books I didn't get to last year and a bunch that I want to have read for Jan & Feb this year.

  13. That was a fun read! I hope you saw my review. :)

  14. Ah, moving... I've moved so much that it is really on the bottom of my not-fun list. Good luck!

  15. Lol! That is so sweet that you put it on my calendar. I can't remember if you got over to look at my review. If you did, I hope you liked it. I loved that book!

  16. I still have reviews to catch up on and comments... :/ I'm getting there.

  17. Happy reading to you too, Laura!

  18. I hope BOB was good for you!

  19. Thanks! It's been nice. :)

  20. Thanks, Rissi. Yep. Still catching up. :)

  21. It is, Leeanna. February is crazy for me, so I'm enjoying the lull and trying to get ahead so I'm prepared.


I love comments! I try to read and reply to them all. Feel free to agree or disagree and generally share your thoughts with me.