Some Great eDeals

I just saw that these are currently discounted to $2.99 for their kindle edition. Both are great historical Christian titles that aren't too preachy. I have both in hard copies and thoroughly enjoyed reading them!

If Christian Fiction isn't for you, you may like these deals. I haven't read them (except for Friends and Foes which I highly recommend), so I don't know about the content or how good they are, but they are from fairly popular authors.

I'll have some other great deals tomorrow that I took advantage of in my Feed Your Reader Friday post.

Disclosure: This post contains link(s) to an affiliate program. If you make a purchase of any type using this/these link(s) I receive a small kickback.


  1. Ooh Born at Midnight! I have had this series on my TBR list for a while.

    Also, I just wanted to say I am highly impressed with your blog and how quickly you have gotten so many followers on GFC. I have been visiting your blog since the week you started it (I had seen a post about your blog just having bee started at YA Romantics) and I was even impressed then. I am dying to start a blog, but I just wouldn't know where to start. If I hadn't known you had just started your blog that first time I visited, I would have thought it had already been around for a while. Do you mind me asking how long it took to plan it before you actually started it?

    1. So I had been debating doing a blog for about a year. I read a lot of books and I love sharing them with others (just ask my family and friends), at least the ones I like or feel the content is clean enough that I can recommend them. There are quite a few sites that have content info, but they are the minority. So, I thought there might be a need there. I also like different genres (all types of YA and Christian). Anyway, I got asked to review a book for a book tour by Burgandy Ice-Colorimetry and that's what kind of pushed me over to just delving in.

      I basically decided one week (the second week of February, I believe) and had my blog up about a week later. It took a lot of time to do it, since I did it all myself except for using blogger, cutest blog on the block, and then just researching the web for how to do this or that. I am not a program engineer and I don't read code, so it took some trial and error. I also emailed Jen Ryland (YA Romantics) and Laura Armstrong (Burgandy Ice-Colorimetry) about some things. They have both been great! I could have about cried when Jen sent her followers over to my site!

      I thought I would at least get 20-40 followers just from friends and family and I was wrong. I only have four so far. I got several through Jen and just some other bloggers that I have followed for a long time and then I signed up for one of I Am A Reader Not A Writer's blog hops and that's where I got a lot of followers. They may not be the type that will come back a lot and that's okay. My ideal is that I have about a 100 or so really good followers who read my blog and enjoy what I have to say and that I can stay personal with and respond to regularly. I want a somewhat personal feel to my blog. So, I won't post a ton of things all the time, just about what I do now with additions here and there.

      I am loving the experience so far! I have to also say that I have really enjoyed seeing your comments! :)


I love comments! I try to read and reply to them all. Feel free to agree or disagree and generally share your thoughts with me.