Stacking the Shelves #1

Welcome to Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

I know Stacking the Shelves is for books gotten on a weekly basis, but this will probably be a monthly post for me since I don't buy enough or receive enough books to do it weekly. I decided my tbr stack on my bookshelves is getting a little out of hand. This first time I'm going to stack the books I've got in the past few months that I still need to read. Some I bought, some I won, and some are for review.  There are some great ones here, including several which are part of a series. I think subconsciously I'm trying to avoid ending one of my series (Boundless, Unearthly #3). Anyway, this is my physical pile:

Books that I bought, won, or are for review:

Beauvallet by Georgette Heyer
Boundless (Unearthly #3) by Cynthia Hand
Mind Games (Mind Games #1) by Kiersten White
Revived by Cat Patrick
Also Known As (AKA #1) by Robin Benway
Rapture (Fallen #4) by Lauren Kate
The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress

 Christian Fiction books that I bought or won:

Never Been Kissed by Melody Carlson
Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz
She Walks in Beauty by Siri Mitchell

My ebook pile is much larger. I also have two other stacks: one from the library and one that are books borrowed from family and friends that I didn't even include. I've got to get those read too. I've been super busy this year, so my tbr piles have grown more than usual. My plan is to finish my library books, then pick one book for review, one borrowed book, and one of mine to read (in that order). Hopefully I'll get it whittled down in a couple months, especially since I'll be adding a few books in the future. I've got some happy reading to do. Now if the four kids and husband would just cooperate... ;)


  1. You got some great books there! I can't wait to read The Grimm Legacy. I really enjoyed In a treacherous court. I've heard great things about Shadowlands. Happy reading :D


    1. I know! I just want to read them all right away! We're homeschooling my 1st and 3rd grader this year, so my time is a lot more limited than it was last year and then we've had other stuff come up too, so I've been crazy busy. It's amazing I've been able to still read at least two books a week! At least I have good books to read. :)

  2. Awesome stacks-I have read quite a few of these and have others on my to-read list. I think Glamorous Illusions in particular is worth reading and then you'll be able to pick up book 2 which is out now.

    1. I heard it was really good and saw that book two was out. I was even thinking I saw something about #3 too, but I could be wrong. I love the cover! So pretty!

  3. New follower. You got awesome YA books. I can't wait to see what you think of these books.


    1. I'm rather excited to read them myself! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. WOAHHHH that's a ton of books! I also got a hardcover copy of Fragments! Can't wait to get started on it. I need to get Mind Games from the public library - hopefully it's not backed up with holds! You got a ton of great books! I hope you enjoy them all :D

    Here is my STS post!

    1. Well, it was gathered over a couple of months. I have been spending too much money though. I've got to pull back - such a bummer. ;) I hope I enjoy them too! I'll head over to your blog.

  5. All the books I have acquired recently have been won or borrowed or bought super cheap at library sales, but somehow I still have a lot. Plus I have a ton on my TBR that I don't own. Like 700 something? Ugh. I'll never get through that.

    1. The ones I bought were fairly cheap, although a few were $8 or $10 if they were a new release (like Scarlet and Fragments, but they're worth it). I completely understand. My tbr on Goodreads is over 1400. I need to go through those and see if I really want to read all of them. New good books come out every year, so it's not like my tbr will ever go down unless all I did was read. :) Oh, well...

  6. Wow that's a lot of books! You got some really great ones in there! I finished Through the Ever Night in one sitting and I really liked Shadowlands! I'm also stalling on reading Boundless! :P Enjoy all your new books and thanks for stopping by! :) x

    1. I know I am book crazy because I never stop wanting to read and acquire more books even though I already have a ton! ;) I'd like to own all the ones I love. There is just something about a physical book in my hands. I do use my Kindle a lot and can't imagine being without it, but it isn't quite the same. Thanks for stopping back!

  7. The monthly post idea is great because I just love staring at those huge stacks of books. SO much good stuff there! I loved Also Known As and Through the Ever night particularly!

    You can find me here: Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I know what you mean. All those beautiful covers! So much reading to do! It makes me happy, especially when I end up really loving what I bought or won. :)

  8. Quite a list of books!!! So many of them are on my TBR List too! (Boundless, Mind Games, Through the Ever Night, Fragments...) Enjoy them all!!

    My STS

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

    1. It's so exciting to have so many books that I am really looking forward to reading. Can't wait!

  9. Amazing books this week! Can't wait to hear what you think of Boundless and Mind Games. Happy reading :-)

    1. Thanks, Lauren! I'm looking forward to reading them both!


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