Welcome to my stop for the Prisoner of Night and Fog Blog Tour! You can see my review here. The Author, Anne Blankman, is stopping by to answer some questions, but first about the book...

Prisoner of Night and Fog
(Prisoner of Night and Fog #1)
by Anne Blankman
YA Historical
Paperback, 416 Pages
April 22nd 2014 by Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins
April 22nd 2014 by Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins
In 1930s Munich, danger lurks behind dark corners, and secrets are buried deep within the city. But Gretchen Müller, who grew up in the National Socialist Party under the wing of her "uncle" Dolf, has been shielded from that side of society ever since her father traded his life for Dolf's, and Gretchen is his favorite, his pet.
Uncle Dolf is none other than Adolf Hitler.
And Gretchen follows his every command.
Until she meets a fearless and handsome young Jewish reporter named Daniel Cohen. Gretchen should despise Daniel, yet she can't stop herself from listening to his story: that her father, the adored Nazi martyr, was actually murdered by an unknown comrade. She also can't help the fierce attraction brewing between them, despite everything she's been taught to believe about Jews.
As Gretchen investigates the very people she's always considered friends, she must decide where her loyalties lie. Will she choose the safety of her former life as a Nazi darling, or will she dare to dig up the truth—even if it could get her and Daniel killed?
From debut author Anne Blankman comes this harrowing and evocative story about an ordinary girl faced with the extraordinary decision to give up everything she's ever believed . . . and to trust her own heart instead.
Author Q&A
I’d like to welcome Anne Blankman, the author of the Prisoner of Night and Fog, to my blog today!
I'm happy to be here!
Prisoner of Night and Fog is set in such a difficult time in history. What inspired you to write such a story and one about Hitler’s niece?
I've been fascinated by World War Two ever since I read Anne Frank's diary when I was twelve. After having a baby a couple of years ago, I decided I'd better start reading some quality non-fiction so my brain didn't dissolve into sleep-deprived mush. One of the first books I read was Ronald Hayman's work on Geli Raubal, Hitler's beloved half-niece. I was completely captivated by the idea of a young girl growing up among the Nazi elite. But I needed the freedom of a fictional main character, so Gretchen Müller was born. She's a 17-year-old student: smart, tough, and sensitive. Although she calls Hitler "Uncle Dolf," he's actually a close family friend. How, I wondered, could I make her see through him? How could she break free? Once I had my answers (and after doing a ton of research), I started writing.
What well-known sites in Germany appear in the book?
Most of the locations in Prisoner of Night and Fog are real. The ones readers will probably find the most interesting are the Braunes Haus, Hitler's apartment, and the Haus Wachenfeld. The Braunes Haus, or Brown House, was the Nazi Party's headquarters, where Gretchen works in the foreign press department. In 1931, when this story takes place, Hitler lived in a luxurious nine-room apartment, and a couple of scenes take place there. The Haus Wachenfeld was Hitler's mountain retreat on the Obersalzburg. It's better known by its later name, the Berghof. I loved giving readers an inside look at these infamous places.
As you researched for the book was there anything interesting that you learned?
Wow, where do I start? Seriously, I uncovered so much fascinating information that it would probably take me one hundred pages to answer this question fully! I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that the most shocking detail I discovered is something that Gretchen, my main character, finds out during the course of the story. It's two words--the first starts with a C, the second with G, and she comes across it while searching her brother's room. You'll know what I'm talking about when you get to that part. I promise it's real.
What do you love most about the Prisoner of Night and Fog?
I really love that it's a mash-up--it's historical fiction, a romance, and a murder mystery all rolled into one story.
Would you be willing to give us a teaser for the next book in the series?
Absolutely! The sequel comes out in April, 2015. I'm not allowed to say too much yet, but I can warn you to pay close attention to everything Hitler says to Gretchen in Prisoner of Night and Fog. His advice might be the key to her survival in the second book.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Anne, and for answering all my questions!
Thanks a lot for having me!
About the Author

After earning a master's degree in information science, Anne began working as a youth services librarian. Currently, she lives in southeastern Virginia with her family. When she's not writing young adult fiction, she's playing with her daughter, training for races with her husband, working at her amazing library branch, learning to knit (badly), and reading.
Anne Blankman is the author of PRISONER OF NIGHT AND FOG, the first in a three-book deal slated for publication in spring 2014 from Balzer + Bray | HarperCollins. She is represented by Tracey Adams of Adams Literary.
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My Question of the Day: Have you read a book that was set during World War II?
There are a couple places where people get beat up and once with the main character, but this is very tame compared to the Hunger Games or Divergent if you've read those.
ReplyDeleteI have issues with books like these. It sounds wonderful, and I have heard beautiful things about the story. I know that this is our history, and I hate to say this but, I can't read stories like this one. I just can't do it. They are so heartbreaking, and like you said, they cause so much anger. I may read it one day, but I am just not sure. Thanks for your review though!
ReplyDeleteI definitely know how you feel and why you would say that. It's going to be tough to handle reading two more books in this setting for this series. I definitely need the year in-between books to gear up for another one.
ReplyDeleteYeah, there is no way that I could read more than one of these in a one month period. Probably not a sixth month period!
ReplyDeleteGood to know. I've read both of those, so I think I would be okay with this. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIntense sounds like it'd be just up my alley, but I'm going to have to steel myself for all the violence.
ReplyDeleteI have read books in a World War II setting. I love it when an author puts so much research into a book, an allows fact to flow with fiction ;). Great interview!
ReplyDeleteThere isn't a ton of violence, just in specific places, but there is that constant feeling of anyone could get hurt or killed at any moment.
ReplyDeleteI feel completely the same way. She did great with the language and the setting, as well as portraying key historical characters.
ReplyDeleteThat's good to know. I'll pick this up when I go to the bookstore this week! :)
ReplyDeleteI have heard so many great things about this one and I love this era so this one is for sure going into my TBR pile. Great review!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea there would be a sequel to this, I am super excited about that!
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I hope you really enjoy it (if's that's the right word) when you get to it!
ReplyDeleteI didn't at first either and I wouldn't have thought there would be one for this type of story, but it will definitely work. It's nice that there's not a big cliffhanger at the end of this one.
ReplyDeleteGreat review! I don't know but from my point of view, it sounds as cliche as any other book tho... (no offense) Is this book worth the read?
ReplyDeleteWow! This synopsis certainly caught me! World War II stories always catch me, but I have never really seen it from a character that is in the Nazi elite. This sounds very intriguing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteLol! Hmm...Cliche? To me the other fairy books always have such dark fairies - like in Julie Kagawa's series. I felt like this was much more balanced. I think if you're feeling that way already, then it might not be worth it for you. For me, I loved it, but I was definitely in the mood for this and it was clean and I liked the characters and how they evolved during the story. I don't know that I'm really helping. ;)
ReplyDeleteTalk about serendipity. I just mentioned yesterday that I'd like to read this and today there's a giveaway to win it! Lol.
ReplyDeleteThe whole character's setting and being set before Hitler is in power was completely new to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm sending some good-luck wishes...
ReplyDeleteThanks! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for replying! I supposed I'm not really into fairies and that sort of stuff but if you say that you loved it then it might be worth a try then ;)
ReplyDeleteI really feel that everyone has their own perspectives and things they like. I think a lot of books are not for everyone and sometimes we are in the mood for one type of book and that can influence how we feel about what we're reading. If you try it, I hope you like it, but if you don't, well that's okay too. :)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a book I would love to read. I love romance and mystery which keeps you thinking. Thanks for the great review.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteI am cheesing right now reading the review of this book. I saved it to my amazon wishlist. I am sooo reading this,. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI hope you really like it. I did, obviously, but I was so in the mood and I'm a sucker for those British accents. ;)
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