Blog Tour Guest Post & Giveaway: The Valley of Decision by Shannon McDermott

A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

The Valley of DecisionThe Valley of Decision
by Shannon McDermott
Adult Fantasy
Paperback, 416 pages
May 31st 2014 by SALT Christian Press


Where the Black Mountains pierce the sky, they divide the south from the north, Alamir from the kingdom of Belenus. Belenus, the undying master of the north, commanded Keiran – the Captain of the Hosts – to conquer Alamir. But the Captain is deep in conspiracy, and he has his own plans.

The Valley of Decision is a fantasy novel, a saga of slavery, freedom, and choices.

Dokrait and the Black Mountains
The Black Mountains are high and treacherous – so many sheer, soaring cliffs, so many monstrous boulders dangerously perched. Wolves teem on the mountains, spilling into the lowlands when the winters are long. Bears and the great cats prowl those hazardous slopes, too.

There is only one safe, sure way over the Black Mountains, and that is the Rhugarch Pass. Descending the pass into the northern kingdom, you will find yourself in a barren land, not a sign of any living soul. But travel on, and you will come to the towns and farms of the Dochraitay.

Away to the west, past the Oak of Tereb, is the Crown. There dwells Muireach, deputy of Belenus. Long ago he built his palace on a hill and fortified it. It frowns down on the land of the Dochraitay, gray against the blue sky. This is another place to avoid in your travels, love.

The coastline is even further west, marked by chalky white cliffs and rocky bays. Ships anchor in those bays, the same ships that the Dochraitay sail to the westering isles to collect Belenus’ tribute.

Go east, or north toward the hill country and the moors, and you will find the cities the Dochraitay built and the fields they till and harvest. All this is the district of Dokrait, land of the Dochraitay.

About the Author

Shannon McDermott is a Christian author of speculative fiction, as well as a humorous detective series called "The Adventures of Christian Holmes". She has written both fantasy and science fiction, and has yet to decide on which one to like better.

She was born to Wisconsin, expatriates in California, grew up on the East Coast, and now lives in the Midwest. Her principal hobbies are politics, history, novels, and coffee.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- Grand Prize: $25 Amazon gift card and ebooks of The Valley of Decision and The Sunrise Windows (open INT)
- 2 print copies of The Valley of Decision (US only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow the Tour:

6/16 - Launch











6/29 - Grand Finale

Prism Book Tours


  1. I would love to meet an old and wise witch, that has always been my dream!

  2. Cali Willette6/19/14, 12:34 PM

    This book sounds really cute. <3

  3. I would want to meet a fire breathing dragon that could clear the path for me where I needed to go.

  4. I would like to run into a Unicorn. I have always liked them since I was young.

  5. Julie Bickham6/19/14, 2:44 PM

    Would love to meet a Wizard.

  6. I would want to meet a talking cat.

  7. SenorSensible6/19/14, 3:07 PM

    I wouldn't care what kind of creature it was as long as it was friendly and didn't want to kill me. Thanks

  8. I would like to meet a talking red robin with magical powers.

  9. I guess it would be fun to meet a talking animal.

  10. Very original, I do have to say. Thanks for sharing!

  11. A fairy. Not exactly a creature but a fantasy thing just the same!

  12. I would like to meet a hybrid werevamp:) It would be quite an interesting meet & greet, don't you think?

  13. Good luck and what attracted me to it, good clean read:)

  14. I love mushrooms, so some sort of character based off that would be really neat to me.

  15. I'm so late in responding to these... I really enjoyed the first book, Doon, so that's one reason why I'm looking forward to this one. I hope you enjoy it if you get to it. :)

  16. I know how you feel. There is some serious sexual tension, but I really liked it. I'm really excited for this one (in case you couldn't tell)! ;)

  17. I love the cover for this one and the first book, Doon. It just looks like the girl is entering a magical land and she is.

  18. I think you'd really like Doon, Natalie. You should check out my review here.

  19. I so agree with that!! I mean she left! That would be a spoiler except it's in the summary. :)

  20. Mary Connealy (Tried and True) always has great heroines. And you should check out Doon. You can see my review here.

  21. I don't always know what is coming out, but I do have a shelf on Goodreads that I add upcoming books that I'm really excited about to and then I pull from that for these. :)

  22. I'm thinking just the two since there are two main heroines, but I'm sure there could be three. I should find that out...


I love comments! I try to read and reply to them all. Feel free to agree or disagree and generally share your thoughts with me.