New Ways to Follow Me

There are two ways you can now follow me by. I recently signed up with NetworkedBlogs. I'm so glad I did because they do my tweets and FB posts for me now. Nothing new to you established bloggers, but I'm still learning some things being my blog has only been up since February 15th of this year. I've made my one month mark! Today I also signed up with BlogLovin. If you are registered with either of these, feel free to follow me there too. :)

Follow my blog with NetworkedBlogs
Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. I'm now following you on BlogLovin'! :)

  2. Is BlogLovin a new thing? I had never heard of it before I saw it this morning on your blog, and then I saw it on another blog today too. Maybe I just never noticed it before. Either way, I followed you there as well!

    1. It is newer. I don’t know how new. There are several different ones, like BlogFrog and I can’t remember what else. Thanks for following me there too!


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