Friday Favorites - Taking a little hiatus.

Friday Favorites is a weekly meme hosted here, that spotlights a favorite author, book, series, publisher, cover, blog, etc. Basically whatever bookish thing that you love, recommend, and want to tell others about. Just pick one and leave your link in the comments of my post each Friday to share. You can use the graphic I used above, the other one here, or your own.

I have been super busy with blog tours and the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon this month. I continue to be a stop for tours about three times a week all through October (I know, I'm crazy, but there were so many books I wanted to read and share), which means I have a lot of reading to do (both for tours and that needs to be done outside of those) and reviews to post and I have a bunch of other things going on with blogging and outside of blogging. I also caught up with my scheduled posts for this meme and was trying to force myself to get this ready for tomorrow and decided that maybe I needed to take a little hiatus. I decided I will be taking the rest of this month and all of October off, but am planning on starting up again on November 1st. Another change will be that when I do start up I won't be adding the linky at the bottom. To link up, you can just leave your link in comments. If I get a bunch more people participating then I will start up the linky again.

If you do wish to share a favorite in the meantime, I will still post this same message every Thursday night at 9 pm AZ time (like I usually do) and you're welcome to participate if you'd like.

Thanks for understanding!

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