Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon: Sunday's Update

I'm going to explain a little about how daily updates work for those of you who may not have done a read-a-thon before. You don't have to do them or do them often, or you can do them each day, but when you do, you basically post for the day before. So this daily update is actually for what I read on Sunday. It will continue on that way, Tuesday's post for Monday's progress, etc. On the 22nd I will post another update, my final one for the read-a-thon even though the read-a-thon officially ends on the 21st. Okay. Does everyone have that down?

Oh, and you can leave a comment here or a link to where you posted your update.

Sunday was a really busy day for me. I had a bunch of things going on, so I didn't get much reading done, unfortunately. At the end of Saturday I had read 124 pages of Infinityglass, so I basically started this read-a-thon at that point. I finished the other 168 pages of that book on Sunday, so basically I read half a book. That's fine since I wanted to read a book about every two days. Now I just have to decide what I'll be picking up next. :)

Books currently reading: None.
Today's finished books: Infinityglass
Total finished books: 1/2
Titles of finished books: Infinityglass
What else do we have going on today? There is a challenge (scavenger hunt) and giveaway hosted by Michelle @ Snarky Mom. I'll be taking a look later and participating if I can.
What did you get read on Sunday?

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