If you have an update you'd like to share, please leave a link in comments or just a comment. :) If you want to see the entire schedule for the read-a-thon or still need to enter the giveaways, you can go here.
The giveaway officially ends at midnight, although some of the giveaways don't close at that time. I will have finished my last book for this read-a-thon by then, which is Find Me. I was going to wait to post this until Sunday morning, but I've decided I'm not going to read something else after I finish Find Me, so I'm just going to go ahead and post this now.
Here is my update for Saturday:
Blogs visited: 3
Author/Challenge post visited: N/A
Books currently reading: N/A
Author/Challenge post visited: N/A
Books currently reading: N/A
Today's finished book(s): Find Me
Total finished books: 11 1/2
Titles of finished books: Find Me, Because It Is My Blood, The Girl in the Steel Corset, Mila 2.0, United We Spy, Crown of Midnight, Cassie's Cowboy Crave, My Own Mr. Darcy, The Book of Broken Hearts, Concealed in the Shadows, The Perfect Guy, and Infinityglass

- Finish one book every two days.
- Read at least four of my review books, all my blog tour books that I need to (four of them), and two books from NetGalley or Edelweiss. This would be a total of 10 books read in two weeks.
- Participate in at least two challenges.
- Visit all of the participants at least once during the read-a-thon.
- Visit at least half of the author guest posts.
Review Books Read (goal of 4): The Perfect Guy
Blog Tour Books Read (goal of 4): Concealed in the Shadows, My Own Mr. Darcy, Cassie's Cowboy Crave, and Find Me - MET
NetGalley/Edelweiss Books Read (goal of 2): The Book of Broken Hearts (although Find Me is from Edelweiss, but I'm not double counting books)
Total Finished Books (goal of 10): 11 1/2 - MET
Total Challenges Participated In (goal of 2): 2, but visited them all - METTotal Blogs Visited (goal of 92): 110 visits, but didn't get all of the blogs. I did get everyone who posted a comment and who linked up an update or goals. I am planning on still visiting some of those that participated when I have time.
Total Author Posts Vistied: Visited them all - MET
So, I could have done better. I'm planning on reading a lot this next week too and seeing if I can get most of my review books read, along with the books I have for tours. I've got some reviews to write up now too.
Overall, I had a great time and am definitely glad that I helped to put this read-a-thon together. How about you? How did you do?
I want to say thank you to everyone who participated. There were about double the amount of you then I thought there would be for something that I didn't do a lot of prep for and for it being my first time. I especially want to say thanks to Laura for co-hosting. She is seriously awesome!!!
I'm planning on doing the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon every year at this time. Do you have any suggestions? Do you want to join us again next year?
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