Welcome to Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about the books I am adding to my shelves each week, sharing with you my excitement for my newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
So, I wasn't going to post this week because I didn't get any physical books and I've been super busy. Then today I was checking Edelweiss and noticed that I got auto-approved for a book. I thought I'd better check my requests to see if I got approved for any others. I seem to get emails for some approvals and not others from Edelweiss and I haven't gotten any approved requests emails from them for some time. When I went to the requests page I had a ton of approvals and I didn't even know!!! It must have just happened this week. The bad part is that three of my requests that were just approved I can't even get anymore. But, the best part of it all was that I was auto-approved by HarperTeen (LOVE you!!!) and Balzer and Bray (LOVE you too!)!!! I know they are both under the Harper Collins umbrella of publishers and I am so excited! I had a bunch of review requests for them, so that means I have a ton of egalleys to add to my STS and, let me tell you, there are some books here that I am highly anticipating reading! I've been doing the happy dance all day. =D
Here are all of the ebooks I downloaded this week (from NetGalley, Edelweiss, authors, tour hosts, and Amazon):
Which ones am I most excited to read? Where do I start? The list is too long! I tried to just pick one, but then I couldn't and the list just kept growing, so I'm just not even going to go there. I'm almost scared that they'll disappear. I'm still a new enough blogger that I'm not used to getting books for review that I really want to read. Are you excited to see my reviews? I am too! ;)
Did you get anything this week?
Disclosure: This post contains links to an affiliate program. If you make a purchase of any type using these links, I receive a small kickback.
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