This is the last day of the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon!!! I hope it's a great reading day for you all! :D
This is my daily update and where you can leave or link your daily update (in comments below). An update today is for what we read yesterday, just so we're all on the same page. :)
You can see the full schedule, my goals, and enter the two giveaways here. There's still time to enter most of the giveaways/challenges.
Today's last challenge/giveaway is the Dream Character Challenge hosted here on Wishful Endings. I hope you guys enjoy choosing a character for this one.

I started the day on page 24 of Isla and the Happily Ever After, page 20 of Among the Joyful, and page 38 of Sweet Reckoning. Here's how it ended:
Books I finished: 1
Total number of finished books: 11.5
Titles of finished books: Reign of Shadows, The Christmas Cowboy, Leaving Liberty, The Better Man, Sleeping Beauty and the Beast, Salt & Storm, The Strength of Ballerinas, Someone Like You, Tide to Atonement, Remember Me, Champion, Isla and the Happily Ever After
This is my daily update and where you can leave or link your daily update (in comments below). An update today is for what we read yesterday, just so we're all on the same page. :)
You can see the full schedule, my goals, and enter the two giveaways here. There's still time to enter most of the giveaways/challenges.
Today's last challenge/giveaway is the Dream Character Challenge hosted here on Wishful Endings. I hope you guys enjoy choosing a character for this one.

I started the day on page 24 of Isla and the Happily Ever After, page 20 of Among the Joyful, and page 38 of Sweet Reckoning. Here's how it ended:
Number of participating blogs I visited: 14 plus some good Twitter discussions :)
Books I read: finished Isla and the Happily Ever After, got through 11 % on my Kindle of Rewind to You, and read 44 pages of Star of DeliveranceBooks I finished: 1
Total number of finished books: 11.5
Titles of finished books: Reign of Shadows, The Christmas Cowboy, Leaving Liberty, The Better Man, Sleeping Beauty and the Beast, Salt & Storm, The Strength of Ballerinas, Someone Like You, Tide to Atonement, Remember Me, Champion, Isla and the Happily Ever After

If you missed Karen Rock's giveaway from yesterday, which was a little late going up, you can check it out now on her home page here.
I'm hoping to get the last two books I started on Friday finished on Saturday, but I have a busy day, so we'll see. Let's all give a big push to the end!!
How did you do on Friday?

I'll be posting an update for Saturday along with a wrap-up with how I did overall for the RAT (with a link-up for you all) on Saturday night, late. I'll update that post with the giveaway winners on Monday. Make sure that you have a wrap-up linked up or left in comments by Monday morning since the winners of the main giveaways must have posted one to be eligible and I will be verifying those. Thank you!
I'll be posting an update for Saturday along with a wrap-up with how I did overall for the RAT (with a link-up for you all) on Saturday night, late. I'll update that post with the giveaway winners on Monday. Make sure that you have a wrap-up linked up or left in comments by Monday morning since the winners of the main giveaways must have posted one to be eligible and I will be verifying those. Thank you!
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