#TackleTBR Update for Thursday the 18th

There are TWO days left of the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon! Let's push to get some great reading in before it ends!!!

This is my daily update and where you can leave or link your daily update (in comments below). An update today is for what we read yesterday, just so we're all on the same page. :)

You can see the full schedule, my goals, and enter the two giveaways here. There's still time to enter the giveaways and complete all the challenges.

Now you can track pages read or books read. Either is fine. It just depends if your goal is to read a specific number of books or pages.

Today's additional challenge/giveaway is being hosted by Karen Rock (co-author of the YA Camp Boyfriend Series and author of these Harlequin Heartwarming titles: Wish Me Tomorrow, His Hometown Girl, and Someone Like You).

I started the day on page 68 of Champion, page 20 of Among the Joyful, and page 38 of Sweet Reckoning. Here's how it ended:

Number of participating blogs I visited: 12 plus some Twitter discussions
Books I read: finished Champion and read 23 pages of Isla and the Happily Ever After
Books I finished: 1
Total number of finished books: 10.5
Titles of finished books: Reign of Shadows, The Christmas Cowboy, Leaving Liberty, The Better Man, Sleeping Beauty and the Beast, Salt & Storm, The Strength of Ballerinas, Someone Like You, Tide to Atonement, Remember Me, Champion
Champion (Legend, #3)

I still have my sequels poll up here to ask what everyone thinks I should grab next. I'd still love it if you all would vote if you haven't already. :) I've obviously finished Champion and I started Isla and the Happily Ever After since that was the next one to get the most votes. So you guys can still pick one more for me to read tomorrow.

How did you do on Thursday?

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